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Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

The Obsidian Mirror
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
The Obsidian Mirror Meditation is a visual guide into the depths of our psyche, offering the querent an opportunity to meet whomever the universe seeks to connect them with to guide them on their paths. The Obsidian Mirror can show you your true Soul, your God Soul, or even your Soul’s Guide. Only the Universe knows who awaits the querent in its reflection, but by meeting them you will connect to a higher consciousness to guide you on your Soul’s Journey.
avatar for Karen Quinn

Karen Quinn

High Priestess, Temple of the Triple Goddess
Zephyrine (also known as Karen Quinn) has been practicing spiritual witchcraft since 1995. She is the founder and high priestess of The Temple of the Triple Goddess in Southeast Michigan and specializes in spiritual coaching, divination, energy work, spell crafting and yoga. In her... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Auditorium 2

9:30am EST

Treadin the Path to the Divine with Elen of the Ways
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elen of the Ways is a shamanic crossroads deity. As an antlered Fire goddess, transformation and soul journeys are her purview. Just as her herds migrate, Elen guides humans on the path of life. Many roads in Britain were named after Elen, and after becoming Christianized, she became the patron Saint of roadbuilders and travelers. Let Elen guide you on your soul journey to the divine! Whether you are a seasoned practitioner, or just starting out on your path, Elen’s wisdom and guidance will aide your “migration.” Part instruction and part ritual, this class includes a guided meditation for you to explore your pathway. After the conclusion, you will be able to take Elen’s light with you into the mundane world so your journey continues.


Merrie Maeven Hutchins

Merrie “the Magickal Maeven” Hutchins helps people to transform the mundane into the magickal in their daily lives. As a former Pagan Pages columnist and a current YouTube content creator, her “clear headed and knowledgeable explanations of all things mystical and marvelous... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Garden Marquee

11:30am EST

Breaking Your Bonds Community Ritual
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Many of us now stand at a crossroads. We know that what is happening in our life is not working anymore, but we don't know how to move forward. Maybe the task of creating change seems unimaginable, or maybe we can't see any alternatives. This ritual is designed to magically and psychologically break bonds that are binding us to unhealthy and unfulfilling situations. Warning: this ritual has been known to produce massive change in the lives of those who participate in it. Change is often painful and scary, but instructions will be given in class for ways to word and shape intentions to create the reality you know is waiting for you.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Garden Marquee

11:30am EST

Connecting with Our Ancestors
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Join us for a brief discussion and ritual to connect with our healthy ancestors. We’ll set sacred space and invite our healthy ancestors to join us. Please bring any ancestral items or representations to place on the altar for ritual. Also, please bring any offerings you would like to leave for the ancestors. We will also have offerings available for people to give.
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
avatar for Emily streakingfate

Emily streakingfate

Emily is a Kemetic and Heathen spiritworker as well as an initiated member of the Pack Magic tradition. She maintains an active ancestor practice in addition to a few significant relationships with Gods and spirits outside of her main traditions. She reads with a variety of Tarot... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

11:30am EST

Folkplay -- The Stag Hunt -- For All Ages
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Briefly learn about Folkplays / Ritual Theater / Processionals of the British Isles. View photos of Stag ceremonies from around the world. Then participate in Hunting the Stag! This is a genuinely older folklore tradition which has versions in many different cultures. Mighty Hunters chase Herne the Stag / the Bucca and slay him -- don't be sad, he is reincarnated to run again. Then participants eat Stag-shaped gingerbread cookies. Differently-abled people can drum, chant, and make noise. This tradition is intended for all ages. Little kids will be given priority in hunting the Stag.
avatar for A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag has been practicing the folk magick of the British Isles for over 40 years. She/they has presented workshops, rituals and folkplays throughout the midwest and online. A.C. is the author of "Common Magick" available from Llewellyn Worldwide. She/they enjoys homesteading... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

2:00pm EST

The Tarot Show
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
What happens when Kate Mura of GroupTarot gives a Tarot reading to an entire audience? Find out!

Last year overlaying Yesod with the group reading was so potent, I want to offer it again this year! Every experience is different, as every Tarot reading and individual is different. And yet! Common themes, and a shared path unite us. Stories, anecdotes, conversation, philosophy, questions, history and herstory come out specifically for your audience, your day, your season. You are involved. By picking cards, conversing, asking questions, and actively, compassionately listening. I am so excited for this year's Tarot Show overlay with Malkuth, as one of tarot's superpowers is showing us our next tangible steps, which we'll find together.
avatar for Kate (or Neowise)

Kate (or Neowise)

Founder, Group Tarot
"For years Kate Mura has been one of the most multifaceted theatre artists in Portland. Her extensive skill set includes actor, deviser, writer, director, puppeteer, mask-maker, dancer, mover, carpenter, ground rigger and union stage hand. Oh yes, and Tarot card reader.” — Bobby... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

4:00pm EST

Dancing with Dragons – A Cosmic Rite of Renewal
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
State of the world got you down? Come and renew your warrior spirit at the well of the Guardians!
Dragons, our primal cosmic guardians and allies, are spirits uniquely interested in the course of humanity and what we will become. Join Devin Hunter and friends for a working like no other. In this ecstatic ritual, we will call upon dragonkind and commune with the celestial guardians of Space, Time, Matter, Energy, and Quintessence as we invite their powers of renewal and protection into our lives and the world. Suitable for practioners of all skill-levels, this ritual includes Electronic Music, chanting, and lots of dancing. Bring your spirits, bring your gods, bring your tired souls and renew the spark inside.
avatar for Devin Hunter

Devin Hunter

Devin Hunter is the multi-award winning and bestselling author of The Witch's Book of Power, The Witch's Book of Spirits, The Witch's Book of Mysteries, the critically acclaimed Modern Witch, Crystal Magic for the Modern Witch, and the forthcoming Houseplant HortOCCULTure. Initiated... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

4:00pm EST

Using 4 Realms of Magick
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Dragon Tradition differentiates 4 realms of magick. Natural Magick: Using the magick in the world around us. Psychic Magick: Using magick related to consciousness and astral dynamics. Spirit Magick: Working with the other side. Authority Magick: Directly Influencing Reality. Intentionally practicing each can bring greater power, understanding and purpose. During this workshop we will perform multiple different spells to explore these realms while presenting highlights and goalposts to take meaningful steps in our personal Magickal practices.
avatar for Scott Reimers

Scott Reimers

Scott Reimers (Awo Fagbemiro) is the founder of the Dragon Magick Tradition (a non-religious modern western magickal tradition).  He initiated into Ifa in 2013 and maintained regular practice with communities since.  Scott recently retired after 14 years as High Priest of the Temple... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

4:00pm EST

Teen Magick 101
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Learn the basics of doing magic, geared toward a young adult / teen audience. For extreme beginners. Learn about ritual, deities / entities, directions / elements, shielding, grounding & centering, using magickal "tools" such as an athame, chalice, candles, herbs, crystals, ethics, ritual etiquette. Learn about a few magickal paths including Wicca, Heathenry, Druidism, Hoodoo, Ceremonial Magick and others. There will be a ritual objects "petting zoo". Taught from a basic western esoteric perspective that will be found at most Pagan events and gatherings. This is for youth who can then go on to practice as a solitary or with their family or a group, before any other magickal classes or dedications. Questions are welcome. Family / adult participation encouraged.
avatar for A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag has been practicing the folk magick of the British Isles for over 40 years. She/they has presented workshops, rituals and folkplays throughout the midwest and online. A.C. is the author of "Common Magick" available from Llewellyn Worldwide. She/they enjoys homesteading... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room E

5:45pm EST

Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming the Shekhina
Friday February 21, 2025 5:45pm - 8:30pm EST
Shabbat (sabbath) is the Jewish celebration of Rest. When Friday’s sun sets, we enter into the day of Shabbatai (ie, Saturn’s day), and celebrate that we are not slaves, but free people. No master, no boss, no mundane compulsion can make us work today. “The Sabbaths are our great cathedrals; and our Holy of Holies is a shrine that neither the Romans nor the Germans were able to burn.. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation to the mystery of creation, from the world of creation to the creation of the world.” I will explain & translate the ritual; then anyone who wants to participate can.
avatar for Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros, author of Orphic Hymns Grimoire, The Big Book of Magical Incense, and The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Pentacles of the Magician King, is Pittsburgh's leading Witch for Hire. She teaches Tarot, Witchcraft, Greek and Near Eastern mythology, Pan-Levantine folk... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 5:45pm - 8:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

7:00pm EST

CommUnity Ritual
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
This CommUnity ritual was performed for the first time at ConVocation 2024. It was created by Pat Camarena Rose Barbary and Sage Hart along with others with the hope that it would be performed each year. In alignment with the mission of ConVocation, we hope to weave a feeling and belonging even within our diversity. We create a togetherness by celebrating all our differences in ritual space. The holly branch that holds the tokens of our joint efforts the first year will be returned and expanded upon this year. There will be drumming and some movement and song. In our ritual space, each quarter and all other offices are led by various groups or leaders of different paths to represent our unity as a diverse but coherent community of magickal and spiritual practitioners. This year, Mara Evenstar is joining Pat and Sage in leadership.  

Pat Camarena-Rose Barbary

Pat is co-owner of Artes and Craft in Hartford, MI. She is HPS of MoonFire Coven begun in 1986 in Cambridge, MA and later resurrected in Coloma, MI.  As a Mexican American,  she has explored many alternative sects of Witchcraft and Paganism. As an Alexandrian and OTO member, she... Read More →
avatar for Mara Evenstar

Mara Evenstar

Owner, Evenstar's Chalice
Ordained Priestess, Educator, Healer and Scholar, Mara Evenstar, MTP, holds a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology with specialization in Spiritual Psychology as well as Organizational Development. She is a doctoral candidate at Meridian University in Leadership and Social Transformation... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

7:00pm EST

Magic Without Tools: Focus and Intent by Sean Wilde
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Sean will introduce the manifestation of energy, layers of the aura, and how to sense both. Energy exchange and manipulation of that energy will be done in a small group setting to illustrate how we can affect the world with emotion, color, and other forms. This class will also explore the magic we put out into the world, and attendees will be encouraged to have more day-to-day awareness of this as they move through the physical world.

* Learn how to sense the aura and what the various layers of the aura are
* Learn how to exchange energy with others
* Learn how to alter the energy in a group setting
* Learn how to sense color, emotion, and other manifestations of magic.

Suitable for any level of practitioner, this class will complement your pre-existing path or tradition.
avatar for Sean Wilde

Sean Wilde

Sassy Magick
Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He holds degrees in multiple traditions and is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. Residing in New Orleans, he co-owns Sassy Magick, Noir and Boutique, metaphysical... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:00pm EST

Invoking the Archangel of the Earth
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
The Initiation of Malkuth, a key step on the path of many magickal traditions, is some form of Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel, either an outside force or an inner higher soul, this being guides the magician upon the path of illumination. Just as we have an angel, so does the Earth herself, taking many forms in magick and mythos. Seen as Michael, Gabriel, Sandalphon, Uriel, Lumiel, Melek Taus, and more, an angel above or an angel below, and angel within or an angel all around, we seek the Archangel of the collective humanity and the Archangel of the planet in which we are one of many parts. Through this invocation, in an act of sympathetic magick upon ourselves to the world, we cleanse the collective miasmas, we heal the many wounds, invoke our own Bornless selves, and we manifest collective guidance for humanity, becoming the angel for ourselves, each other, and all the worlds.  
avatar for Christopher Penczak

Christopher Penczak

Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

9:00pm EST

Womb Shamanism: An Inward Path to the Divine
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
Womb Shamanism in the Rose Lineage tradition is a deeply feminine, deeply embodied path to the Divine. All are invited to explore the power and potency within their own sacred wombs in this experiential playshop. (You are truly welcome here - beings of all genders have an energetic womb space.) We’ll chat about the sacred, sordid history (and disparagement) of womb work, play with some practices to enhance our personal power and connection to the divine, and explore what womb sovereignty looks like in the modern age. Mature audience only, as topics may include sacred union, sacred sexuality, and the sacred whore.
avatar for Kallie England

Kallie England

Soul Tender, Tree Song Soul Tending
Kallie England, LMSW, is an Adventure Therapist, Transformational Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, University Instructor, Psychedelic Expert, Occasionally Successful Gardener, Temple Tender, & Devoted Seeker of the Divine who has been hosting transformational events since 2015. She is passionate... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

11:00pm EST

Shamanic Spiral: Manifesting Multiple Desires
Friday February 21, 2025 11:00pm - Saturday February 22, 2025 12:30am EST
Imagine fulfilling not just one, but 10 or even 100 desires in a single ritual. Join us for an advanced shamanic practice with the Shamanic Spiral ritual, designed for those with significant experience in manifestation and energy work. I will guide you through this powerful technique, showing you how to make it possible. The ritual involves walking a spiral made of small stones, though adaptations are available for those unable to walk. This ritual is suitable for experienced magicians and shamans looking to amplify their manifestation abilities. Participants will learn advanced techniques for multiple wish fulfillment, practical skills for creating and using energy spirals, and methods for adapting the ritual for different physical abilities.

Aleksandra Shaman

I am a pagan witch and shaman with extensive experience and the author of 8 books on magic, Wicca, shamanism, stones, and herbs. My practice combines ancient traditions with modern methods in an effort to provide spiritual guidance that is universal and accessible to all levels of... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:00pm - Saturday February 22, 2025 12:30am EST
First Floor Salon 3

11:00pm EST

The Mysteries of the Horned One
Friday February 21, 2025 11:00pm - Saturday February 22, 2025 12:30am EST
The Horned One is the keeper of the wild spaces, the soul of nature, and a source of connection to the natural world. He is also joy; urging us to drink deeply from the cup of life, and to live a life free of guilt and shame simply for being our carnal selves. As the Dread Lord of Shadows the Horned God is a part of this world and the next, offering us a way to connect with our beloved dead and promising that all who die shall be born again. Experience his mysteries and feel the full power of the Horned One. 
avatar for Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey has been coming to ConVocation for over twenty-five years and eventually became a prolific Witchcraft author (ten books and counting!). A former resident of Lansing Michigan, today Jason resides in California’s Silicon Valley with his wife Ari. For fun Jason enjoys... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:00pm - Saturday February 22, 2025 12:30am EST
Garden Marquee

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