Venue: Conference Room B clear filter
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Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

Spiritual Herbalism
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Within our magical practices we recognize the sacredness of each tool as set apart from the tools of the mundane. Yet, we sometimes overlook the sacredness of relationship or understand the depth of offering that each plant which we request support from is holding. Recognizing and connecting on this level can add such beauty and potency to our work. During our time together we will chat about foundations of spiritual herbalism, herbal and magical energetics as they relate to the human experience. How to practically and effectively connect with plant allies in our ritual practices, spell work and our healing collaborations. We will create a plant spirit altar, have the opportunity to hand stitch our own small corded plant pouch and come together for a plant journey meditation.


Greetings,I have been a solitary, eclectic witch for most of my life, growing under pine bows and yew branches in the company of mystery and magic. Wortcunner, herbal sorceress, intuitive reader, animist and creatrix. Honing and honoring my personal call and connection to the divine... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room B

11:30am EST

Unveiling the Mystique: Ritual Use of Masks in Paganism
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
In this workshop you will learn about the intricacies of using masks during ritual practice. This will include a brief history of the origin of masks in pagan practice, the symbolism involved within the use of masks and explore the different types of masks that are often used. There will also be discussion on the types of rituals, ceremonies, and practices best suited for mask use along with how to craft your own for specific use. Within this discussion we will explore shamanic use of masks, ethical considerations to consider, and contemporary applications. This will then be closed out with a discussion on case studies, personal testimonies and experiences, challenges and controversies, and future application.
avatar for Allison Lovecraft

Allison Lovecraft

Founder, PSK Occult Goods and Services
Practicing a unique blend of curated witchcraft,  Allison focuses mainly on manifestation and psychic arts. Many of these allow her to utilize art and crafting into her practice.
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room B

4:00pm EST

Ritual Leadership Skills
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
One of the greatest gifts you can give your community is an inspiring ritual. Although it is easier if it is a well conceived and organized ritual, what makes or breaks the experience is how it is led and facilitated. Effective ritual leadership arises from a blend of the practical, the esoteric, and the artistic. Though some will tell you that this is mostly a matter of inborn talent, this class aims to show that you can learn techniques and perspectives that grow your capacity for ritual leadership. After this class you will walk away with more ways to spark your ritual presence, grace, and effectiveness.
avatar for Ivo Dominguez

Ivo Dominguez

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been a witch since 1978 and is one of the founders and Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He is the anchor author for the new twelve book Witch’s Sun Sign Series. Ivo is the author of The Four Elements of the Wise, Keys to Perception, Casting Sacred... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room B

7:00pm EST

Unveiling the Hidden Mysteries of Red Riding Hood
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
When viewed through the lens of neo-pagan witchcraft, Little Red Riding Hood is more than a simple fairy tale; it is an initiation story that mirrors the journey of the sacred feminine. It encapsulates the transition from innocence to experience, the confrontation with the darker aspects of the self, and the ultimate rebirth into a more profound understanding of one's power and wisdom. We will begin this class by examining the tale's symbolism, talk about the importance of the forest setting, and ground our discussion in historical understandings of werewolves. From there, we will discuss initiation rites and how to embrace shapeshifting as part of modern practice. The class will end with a fifteen-minute guided meditation, a crucial part of our journey together.
avatar for Erin M. Stellatarum

Erin M. Stellatarum

Erin M. Stellatarum of Hummingbird Hawk Moth has enjoyed a lifelong obsession with folklore and mythology, which has led her down the path of neo-paganism. She has been a practicing solitary witch and priestess for over fifteen years and has read tarot for over twenty years, gradually... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room B

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