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Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

Abramelin Lunar Ordeal - a new version
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Frater Barrabas has written a new book Abramelin Lunar Ordeal, which is completely new way to gain the K and C with one's Holy Guardian Angel. He performed this ordeal back in 2009 and it was very successful. This ordeal uses the lunar cycle within that period, the operator performs invocations to the four Seraphim, Cherubim, Element Godhead, Transcendental Gateways, and a new version of the Bornless or Headless Invocation rite. Come and hear him talk about his experiences and see the latest book that he has written about this new methodology for gaining the K and C of the HGA.
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Frater Barrabbas

Founder Order of the Gnostic Star
Frater Barrabbas Tiresius is a practicing ritual magician who has studied magic and the occult for over forty years. He believes that ritual magic is a discipline whose mystery is unlocked by continual practice and by occult experiences and revelations. Frater Barrabbas believes that... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room D

11:30am EST

Show Me The Money: Personal Finances in Natal Astrology
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
In order to make our way in the world, we need resources, money usually chief among them. Using the methods of traditional astrology, we can see how money and other avenues of support can manifest in our lives, the natural ebb and flow of these resources, and what obstacles to our financial lives can come up (and what we can do about those). This lecture will go over basic determination of the financial life from the birth chart, some more advanced tools for refining that understanding, and some basic tools of prediction that will enable you to see the potential ups and downs of one’s income and resourcing.

Gabe Rosas

A student of traditional astrologies for over 20 years, Gabe Rosas started with Robert Zoller's medieval astrology course. He then later on as a pupil of Robert Schmidt at Project Hindsight. His practice of Hellenistic era astrology seeks to bring the wisdom and worldview of antiquity... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room D

2:00pm EST

Introduction to the Magick of Lenormand
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Introduction to the Magick of Lenormand:
Discover Lenormand, the Cards of Fate, named after the renowned Marie Anne Lenormand cartomancer, necromancer, and member of the Members of Mercurii occult astrological society. The Lenormand cartomancy deck, made famous in The Game of Hope, is comprised of 36 cards which offer insights through sentence structures, card spreads, and interpretative combinations. This unique system, set apart from other oracles or tarot, showcases an exceptional precision and is a visual and energetic focal point for directing Magick. Acquire the meanings of the 36 cards and learn techniques to combine them in 2 card, 3 card, 5 card, 7 card, and 9 card readings to layer into your spell work, attain a better understanding of the past and gain insight into the future.
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Maria Wander

Maria Wander is a NYC-based High Priestess, practicing astro-mage, ritualist and herbalist. She creates talismanic remedies, herbal/gem tinctures, and flower essences. An astrologer of 25+ years, she is the United Astrology Conference 2026 VP, a Director for the National Council of... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room D

4:00pm EST

A Sea of Stars - Personal Practice in Star Worship
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
After a brief overview of what it means to work magic with the stars, Kai will discuss experiential insights into their path and practice since delving into star worship. This class will focus mainly on personal/group gnosis with some practical applications as well as a dive into how you can begin work with your own constellations in the future!
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Kai (they/them) is a spirit worker and priest of An Mórrígan that has been practicing paganism and polytheism for over a decade. They have studied various magical traditions and mainly focus on Fairy Witchcraft and Star Worship, as well as studying modern Irish tradition. As a spirit... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room D

7:00pm EST

Spirit Voices: Mysteries & Magic of North Asian Shamans
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Anthropologists tell us the word “shaman” derives from Tungus language and traditions, but few understand what that means. We will explore the history and practice of shamanism, and walk through the landscapes of North Asia, and the largely hidden and unfamiliar traditions of Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic shamanism, exploring the subtle and unique aspects of each tradition.

In this class, we will explore:
- Indigenous spiritual and shamanic traditions and beliefs of the Turkic, Mongol, and Tungus peoples
- Broad cosmology and mythology of these shamanic cultures
- Shamanic tools used by these cultures
- Practical concepts and methods that can enhance your own practice

This class will largely draw from topics and themes from David’s book “Spirit Voices”.
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David Shi

David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room D

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