Venue: Conference Room G clear filter
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Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

Self Publishing 101 for Pagan Authors
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
So many practitioners and teachers have the knowledge to share, but aren't sure how to get it to the hands of those seeking it. As an author, artist, and advocate, my goal is to get the tools to publish into the hands of those with something to say.
We will go over how to structure and edit your book, how to choose which distributors to publish through, how to find a cover artist and illustrator or create your images, ways to format your book for publishing, and give you the rundown about the dreaded "M" word: marketing.

Rue Sparks

Rue Sparks is a composite of neurosis and nonsense held together by duct tape and sheer stubbornness. A widow, disabled, and queer, they traverse the equally harsh and cathartic landscape where trauma and healing align to create stories that burrow into the hearts and minds of their... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room G

11:30am EST

The DARKEST Arte! How to advertise your pagan business!
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Artes And Craft opened in the middle of nowhere in Michigan 9 years ago. It has become one of the best loved in the Midwest. It has 10,000+ more Facebook followers than Laurie Cabot’s Enchanted and Christian Day’s HEX combined! It is on the first page of Google for many key search terms! HOW!?! Well, the fact that Paul was a corporate whore and worked as a senior executive specializing in Sales and Marketing technology for companies such As Wrigley, Mars and Gillette for over 30 years means he knows a thing or two… And is willing to share the darkest of all arts – advertising and marketing your pagan business!

Paul Barbary

Paul is the Owner of Artes And Craft along with his wife, Pat. Artes And Craft is the largest and most specialized Pagan and Witchcraft store in Michigan and one of the most important in the Midwest. Paul has been pagan and a practitioner of magick since he was 11 years old and ran... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room G

2:00pm EST

Court Card Cocktail Conference, (no cocktails please)
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Have a difficult time dealing with the court cards? If you can't beat them be them! We will have quick discussion on the nature of the court cards then YOU will take on the role of a court card and others will have to guess who you are. Tis will give you an experience many court cards and make it easier to remember the ones you do not meet. No tarot deck required for this class but bring a notepad.
avatar for Leif Laufeyjarsen

Leif Laufeyjarsen

The reverend Lief Laufeyjarsen Is a tarot reader with a background in healing, anthropology, comparative religion, and folklore. He celebrates the pagan holidays. He is inclusive of all people and welcomes all people regardless of background. He is a firm believer in radical acce... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room G

4:00pm EST

Building The Magickal Apothecary
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
We will discuss how to resource herbs, spices, and other magickal items to build an apothecary that will serve all your magickal and economic needs. We will also discuss how to properly store apothecary items, foraging, and how to properly dry fresh herbs. We will also look at the top 10 herbs every apothecary should have and why.

Rev. Sharon Ross

Rev. Sharon Ross is a long time ecclectic witch, rootworker, and metaphysician. She earned her Bachelor Degree from the University Of Metaphysics in Metaphysical Science.  She is currently pursuing a Master Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University Of Metaphysics. She is... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room G

7:00pm EST

Conversation with Mother Mary
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
A practicing animist, Mikki Baloy has developed an ongoing personal relationship with Mother Mary (yes that one). This relationship, which has been somewhat outside the usual church-centric ideas, has led to Mary becoming a primary ally in Mikki's Shamanic and ritual practice. This informed her book, "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," published in 2022. In our time together, Mikki will offer a reading, discussion and Q&A, and perhaps a short channeled message from Mary herself.
avatar for Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy is a shamanic practitioner and ritualist. She is the author of "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," having cultivated a relationship with Mary outside of the usual context of the church through animist and shamanic practice. Since 2009... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room G

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