Venue: Elizabeth Ann 1 clear filter
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Sunday, February 23

11:00am EST

Heathen Mouth Magic: Singing with Runes and Spirits
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Magic in modern Heathenry takes a variety of forms, perhaps none more accessible than the ones that use our mouths and voices. Galdr, ljóð, kvæði, gerningar, varðlokkur, and frœði: songs, chants, incantations, poems, alliteration, and mumbling, which are just a few forms Heathen Mouth Magic can take. Through these magical acts we can engage in spiritual hygiene, call vættir (spirits), work with the Runes, perform enchantment, make protections, and empower ourselves and others. This workshop is interactive, taking you through an overview of what remains to us through written sources, and how to apply it to make your own magic.
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

1:00pm EST

The Transformative Snake throughout human cultures
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
There are very few animals that tap into our subconscious like the fascinating yet terrifying snake. The snake is seen in many cultures’ pivotal stories, ranging from the evil Christian serpent to the healing familiars of Asclepius. We will discuss how snakes are represented in some of these stories and how that representation changes based on one’s perspective.
avatar for Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar is a graduate of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary and a First Degree Priestess of the WISE tradition under Lord Solinox Silverstar. She is a member of Weavers of the Web, ATC. Professionally, she is a small animal veterinarian in Lansing, MI.
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

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