Venue: Elizabeth Ann 2 clear filter
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Sunday, February 23

11:00am EST

The contagious magic of self love and daily affirmation
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
If you are anything like me, you entered this path carrying guilt, shame and trauma from your past. This workshop will explore how we overcome our past trauma and move forward as magical beings. Our heart chakra can become blocked by feelings of unworthiness and self deprecation, but in this class we will raise the energy needed to open our heart to self love. Then we will learn how to pass it on so others can choose self love as well. In the words of the priestess Ru Paul, if you can't love yourself how in the hell are you going to love somebody else.

Malakai Silverstar

Malakai Silverstar is a Dedicant of the WISE Tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar, and a third year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. He has been attending Weavers of the Web since 2022. He has Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder but... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

1:00pm EST

The Vital Role of Tricksters in Cosmic Evolution
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Trickster deities are often misunderstood and maligned in Western culture. The title we have given them, "trickster," implies deceit and untrustworthiness. But in the scholarly study of mythology, tricksters often use deception and cunning to support the weak in their battles against the strong. Tricksters also use these methods to teach lessons that we would not learn except through personal experience, and to hold space to consider the profane sacred. Come and discuss your personal experiences with tricksters, and learn more about why they are essential to cosmic and cultural evolution and justice.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

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