Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
As we ritually move through an ancient pattern from the stars, called the Domeia Mandala, also known as the Map of the Star Maiden, we will open the Gate into another dimension and feel the rush of primordial energy as it infuses all the life around us, including our core beings. You will learn some of its history and legends down through the ages and how you can use this mandala in your personal life. Easy movements for all ability levels.
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Patricia DeSandro

Bonadea Lyonesse (Patricia DeSandro) has served the larger Pagan community as a wisewoman, elder high priestess of Wicca, and a teacher/presenter for more than 35 years. She founded the Circle of the Sacred Grove Temple of the Old Religion, an active teaching coven, in 1999. Bonadea... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Garden Marquee

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