Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Witchcraft has exploded in popularity as a genre within entertainment media, as a fashion aesthetic, and as a lifestyle brand: crystals, tarot decks, and spellbooks are now sold at major retailers and these tools and information about witchcraft are easily accessible in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. How do members of the magical community navigate their own identity and feelings of authenticity within this context of Witchcraft-as-fad, and what does it mean for our ability to build community? In this class I will share findings from my academic research into how Pagans respond to the mainstreaming of interest in the “witchy” and esoteric and navigate this cultural landscape, followed by discussion.
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Carly Sherman

University of Notre Dame
Carly Sherman is a doctoral candidate at the University of Notre Dame working on completing her Ph.D. in Sociology. Her research interests include New Religious Movements, subcultures, identity, gender and sexuality, and theory, and she has studied Witchcraft and Contemporary Paganism... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room C
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