Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
As the Moon traverses the starry skies, she travels through her phases and frequencies, mirroring the ever-changing rhythms of our world. When we attune our consciousness to these cosmic energies, we gracefully deepen our connection to All That is Holy, aligning ourselves with the Divine, both within and without. In a sacred ceremony facilitated by Lunar High Priestess Lady Jesamyn and Cista Mystica Priestesses, we shall honor the Moon Mother in Her guise as the Goddess Selene. Reflecting upon our own inner Truth, we will connect with Her sacred waters and pour out libations in Her name. Under Her loving gaze and with focused Vision, we will energize our goals and our intentions for growth. With thankfulness, we will express our gratitude for the Moon’s never-ending witness of our lives.
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Lady Jesamyn Angelica

Sisterhood of the Moon
Lunar Priestess, Oracle, Ritualist, and Muse, Lady Jesamyn Angelica has been practicing Witchcraft and walking the Path of the Moon since her dedication to the Goddess as a Maiden. Now in her Queen Season, she is High Priestess of Sisterhood of the Moon, a matriarchal Goddess Tradition... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Auditorium 2
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