Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elen of the Ways is a shamanic crossroads deity. As an antlered Fire goddess, transformation and soul journeys are her purview. Just as her herds migrate, Elen guides humans on the path of life. Many roads in Britain were named after Elen, and after becoming Christianized, she became the patron Saint of roadbuilders and travelers. Let Elen guide you on your soul journey to the divine! Whether you are a seasoned practitioner, or just starting out on your path, Elen’s wisdom and guidance will aide your “migration.” Part instruction and part ritual, this class includes a guided meditation for you to explore your pathway. After the conclusion, you will be able to take Elen’s light with you into the mundane world so your journey continues.


Merrie Maeven Hutchins

Merrie “the Magickal Maeven” Hutchins helps people to transform the mundane into the magickal in their daily lives. As a former Pagan Pages columnist and a current YouTube content creator, her “clear headed and knowledgeable explanations of all things mystical and marvelous... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
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