Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
In the quarter century since the revival of Astrological Magic, few have had so significant a role (and a front row seat to the rest) as much as Clifford Hartleigh Low. Creator of several thousand talismans, prolific commentator on the Picatrix, lecturer, popularizer, and fearless trailblazer, he is arguably the most meticulous practitioner of what used to be known as the scientia ymaginum. He contends that this tradition is the most powerful and complex system of magic in all of history, whose potential remains largely unexplored. Come learn of the unknown history of this revival and the hidden agendas of its key proponents, the subjects of his still-secret personal research, discoveries and experiments, and secret keys to this magical tradition revealed here for the first time anywhere.
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Clifford Hartleigh Low

Clifford Hartleigh Low is the impossible man who does impossible things. He’s been described as a living encyclopedia of the arcane, and is recognized by his peers as one of the most accomplished practitioners of magic and divination alive; summoning spirits in front of witnesses... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room B
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