Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
The Initiation of Malkuth, a key step on the path of many magickal traditions, is some form of Knowledge and Conversation of your Holy Guardian Angel, either an outside force or an inner higher soul, this being guides the magician upon the path of illumination. Just as we have an angel, so does the Earth herself, taking many forms in magick and mythos. Seen as Michael, Gabriel, Sandalphon, Uriel, Lumiel, Melek Taus, and more, an angel above or an angel below, and angel within or an angel all around, we seek the Archangel of the collective humanity and the Archangel of the planet in which we are one of many parts. Through this invocation, in an act of sympathetic magick upon ourselves to the world, we cleanse the collective miasmas, we heal the many wounds, invoke our own Bornless selves, and we manifest collective guidance for humanity, becoming the angel for ourselves, each other, and all the worlds.  
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Christopher Penczak

Christopher Penczak is a modern Witch working in the Temple of Witchcraft tradition and community he helped co-found. His practice focuses on the intersection of Love, Will, and Wisdom as an ethos for today’s Witch, and focuses upon relationships with the plant realm, the patterns... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
Garden Marquee
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