Audience: regardless of skill/experience. clear filter
Thursday, February 20

5:00pm EST

First Time At Con
Thursday February 20, 2025 5:00pm - 6:30pm EST
Are you New to ConVocation? Are you nervous about what to expect? Do you think you will get lost in the excitement? Well come on by and we will give you the tips and tricks on what it's all about along with what you need to know to have an incredible experience.

We will also offer an opportunity to learn or refresh your grounding and shielding techniques.
avatar for Barb Stenger

Barb Stenger

Barb Has been a part of the M.E.C. Pagan community for 19 years. A practicing witch and leader in the pagan community.  As an avid volunteer for many non profit organizations, a business owner and entrepreneur in Mid-Michigan, An active  M.E.C. Board Chair, focusing on advertising... Read More →
avatar for Sean Wilde

Sean Wilde

Sassy Magick
Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He holds degrees in multiple traditions and is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. Residing in New Orleans, he co-owns Sassy Magick, Noir and Boutique, metaphysical... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 5:00pm - 6:30pm EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

8:30pm EST

Considerations for Planning Events
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Planning events can be daunting. What are some of the considerations to account for? What kind of emergency plans do you need in place? Join us for a discussion on steps to prepare for contingencies at your next event.
avatar for Alfred Silverstar

Alfred Silverstar

Alfred Silverstar is a Weavers of the Web member residing in Madison Heights Michigan and a first-degree Priest of the WISE tradition under Lord Solinox Silverstar's supervision. In the past, Alfred served for over a decade as an Emergency Manager with the Michigan Air National Guard... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Conference Room D

8:30pm EST

Prophecies from the Silk Road to Siberia
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
North Asian Divination of Beads, Bones, Coins, & Stones
The grasslands of Mongolia, the steppes of Central Asia, the deserts of the Gobi, and the frozen forests of Siberia. The Shamanic and Buddhist cultures in these harsh environments have cultivated powerful yet practical, and deeply nuanced divination methods that have allowed these tribes to not only survive, but to thrive as well. In this class, we will explore several of these methods, some of which are practical enough if you need quick but powerful divination “on-the-go”, as well as some North Asian tips that can benefit your other divination practices. If we have time, we will perform a complex Mongolian 41-stone divination for the entire class.
avatar for David Shi

David Shi

David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Conference Room C

8:30pm EST

Psychotherapy and the Gods
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
How do the gods, ancestors, and other-than-human guides show up in the psychotherapy process? How can I bring my gods and guides into my own personal psychotherapy process (even if my therapist is not pagan)? This workshop will address these questions, and more, at the crossroads where archetypal psychology, animism, and paganism meet, in a place where deep soul-revelation, soul-healing, and soul-magic occurs. Though there will be a particular emphasis on the Trickster (in all forms), Psyche, Hecate, Odin, and the Fates, you are encouraged to bring your own Beloved(s) into our contemplation and discussion.
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

8:30pm EST

The Moon And Its Herbs
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
A look into herbs which are sacred to the Moon , their history, planetary and elemental associations, and how to use them to ratchet up your work with the Moon.

Rev. Sharon Ross

Rev. Sharon Ross is a long time ecclectic witch, rootworker, and metaphysician. She earned her Bachelor Degree from the University Of Metaphysics in Metaphysical Science.  She is currently pursuing a Master Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University Of Metaphysics. She is... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Conference Room B

8:30pm EST

Witchcraft Storytelling
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
We learn through stories. Throughout the ages witches have been sharing stories of magick, myths, and legends. There are spells in Mother Goose, spiritual lessons in Lord of the Rings, and tales of the Gods in movies such as Thor, Wonder Woman, and American Gods. In this workshop you will learn how stories have shaped witchcraft with the myths of the Gods, pop culture, and the magical story of your own life. When we cast a spell, we are telling a story. Do you know the stories of your spells?
avatar for Chris Allaun

Chris Allaun

Chris Allaun has been studying and practicing paganism and witchcraft for over 30 years. He is an ordained minister with the Queer pagan tradition The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He is also an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft and the OTO. Chris received his Master of Divinity at... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Conference Room F

8:30pm EST

Unveiling Mysteries: Greek and Roman Cursed Tablets
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
A deep dive into the history and use of Greek and Roman Cursed Tablets. The discussion will include the historical context behind the creation and use of Cursed Tablets including their material and form, content and purpose, social and cultural implications, and their reception and legacy. This is in hopes of shedding light on the intricate relationship between religion, magic, and daily life in antiquity via these relics. The last portion of the discussion will include an opportunity to create your own mock-up of a Cursed tablet artifact to take home.
avatar for Allison Lovecraft

Allison Lovecraft

Founder, PSK Occult Goods and Services
Practicing a unique blend of curated witchcraft,  Allison focuses mainly on manifestation and psychic arts. Many of these allow her to utilize art and crafting into her practice.
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Conference Room E

8:30pm EST

Grand Emotions
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
As a witch, you know your emotions are powerful. That they charge - or change - spellwork. You also know how important it is to be in the right frame of mind and body before energy work. Easier said than done sometimes! Especially when that rage is really fuming! Or when your sorrows feel too overwhelming. In this greatly shortened version of my favorite workshop to facilitate, participants will explore Rage, Joy, Sorrow and Fear, moving and transforming these emotions physically. Wake up your body, heart and soul to be open and malleable for ritual, ConVocation and beyond. Suitable for all abilities, ages 8 and older.

avatar for Kate (or Neowise)

Kate (or Neowise)

Founder, Group Tarot
"For years Kate Mura has been one of the most multifaceted theatre artists in Portland. Her extensive skill set includes actor, deviser, writer, director, puppeteer, mask-maker, dancer, mover, carpenter, ground rigger and union stage hand. Oh yes, and Tarot card reader.” — Bobby... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Garden Marquee

8:30pm EST

Embracing the Moon: A Pathway to the Divine
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
As the Moon traverses the starry skies, she travels through her phases and frequencies, mirroring the ever-changing rhythms of our world. When we attune our consciousness to these cosmic energies, we gracefully deepen our connection to All That is Holy, aligning ourselves with the Divine, both within and without. In a sacred ceremony facilitated by Lunar High Priestess Lady Jesamyn and Cista Mystica Priestesses, we shall honor the Moon Mother in Her guise as the Goddess Selene. Reflecting upon our own inner Truth, we will connect with Her sacred waters and pour out libations in Her name. Under Her loving gaze and with focused Vision, we will energize our goals and our intentions for growth. With thankfulness, we will express our gratitude for the Moon’s never-ending witness of our lives.
avatar for Lady Jesamyn Angelica

Lady Jesamyn Angelica

Sisterhood of the Moon
Lunar Priestess, Oracle, Ritualist, and Muse, Lady Jesamyn Angelica has been practicing Witchcraft and walking the Path of the Moon since her dedication to the Goddess as a Maiden. Now in her Queen Season, she is High Priestess of Sisterhood of the Moon, a matriarchal Goddess Tradition... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Auditorium 2

10:30pm EST

Caring for the Sacred Self and Neurodivergence
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Self-care is often talked about and there are many suggestions as to how to accomplish self-care available. Many of these suggestions rely on the person receiving them to be neurotypical and often these suggestions are unattainable for a neurodivergent person. This class will explore what caring for the Sacred Self looks like for a neurodivergent person and how to make adaptations and routines that work for you.
avatar for Ashnidae Silverstar

Ashnidae Silverstar

Ashnidae Silverstar is a 1st Degree Priestess in the WISE tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar and is a fourth-year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. She has been active with Weavers of the Web in Lansing, Michigan since 2018. Ashnidae has a passion... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

10:30pm EST

Everything is People: Animism & Spirits Made Easy
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Animism, the idea that all things have a spirit, isn't a belief system so much as it is a natural part of human existence. Unlearn your unlearning and embrace the spirit in all things as we and find out how to respectfully work with objects, animals, spirits, concepts, and everything else for powerful magical practices.

Mother Multiverse

A biologist, game maker, and occultist, Mother Multiverse has been practicing magic for over twenty five years, focusing on chaos magick for over fifteen. A natural scientist, her approach to the occult has been one of experimentation and innovation, learning and inventing new techniques... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Conference Room G

10:30pm EST

Folklore: History's Bizarre Cousin
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Whether you're looking for a bit of levity in your day or are curious about the way we told each other stories a thousand years ago, do we ever have the thing for you. Come and listen as we explore folklore through three examples of storytelling from Britain's Middle Ages. While the popular tales of yore have been given the Hollywood shine, this discussion will present three particularly odd tales that better exemplify the oral tradition while also making you laugh.
avatar for Scott Markwart

Scott Markwart

Scott Markwart has been practicing witchcraft for over 20 years and serves as a High Priest in the Temple of the Triple Goddess, located in Livonia, Michigan. As a lifelong academic, he spends much of his time buried in books. Scott has spent much of the past 14 years mentoring and... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Conference Room F

10:30pm EST

Talking With Trolls
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Trolls are a category of vættir, spirits, in various European folklore. Ranging from ugly to beautiful, harsh to compassionate, stupid to brilliant and cunning, they encompass a range of expressions, forms, and ideas. Come meet the trolls, and learn how to talk with the ones you share the world with!
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
First Floor Salon 1

10:30pm EST

The Not So Great Work
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Although most of us would would love to participate in the grand inner Alchemy that is transforming the lead of our lesser selves into the gold of our highest self, many of us do not have the time or spoons to enact complex rituals along a rigid schedule. Whether you experience cognitive differences or simply the multifaceted demands of a busy modern life, you might find your personal process The Not So Great Work. Not to worry, nature makes beauty in all colors, shapes and sizes. We will discuss ways to make your craft meet you where you are and support your ever unfolding process of growth, without the demands of Greatness. We will simplify the art of creating effective rituals you'll actually perform, not just pin for later.
avatar for Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone earned her Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts with a certificate in Health Care Foundations from Washtenaw Community College in 2009 at the tender age of 17. Unsatisfied with the chasm in allopathic medicine between pharmaceutical or surgical intervention and the maintenance... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

10:30pm EST

To Create A New Self: Witchcraft & Trauma Healing
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
In 2016 I was in the darkest mental place I had been since I was a child. It was so bad I had to seek therapy. I was diagnosed with PTSD & Borderline Personality Disorder which led me to Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). In the years since I have realized a direct connection between the tools I was taught and the magic that I have practiced. This class is a survivor/patient's guide to informal DBT that remodels various psychological and magical theories to heal yourself from trauma. Attendees will be able to share pieces of their stories as well as the magic they have done to overcome the Dark Places of the Mind. You are never alone in the dark. We are here with you.

Cris Castellano

Cris Castellano is a multi-named, multi-talented artist from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been a practicing pagan since 2005. His day job as a sign maker allows him a lot of time to listen to occult media while contemplating the secrets of the universe. At night, he devotes himself... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Conference Room B

10:30pm EST

Erotic Power: Sacred Sexuality and Releasing Shame
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Step into your power and heal your Sacral Chakra (the gateway to passion and creativity) to access stronger magick. As practitioners, our thoughts and actions shape both our reality and magick. With something as physically, emotionally, and politically loaded as sexuality, there’s often a lot of interference affecting this Chakra. Learn about deities and practices that can help you healthily connect with your sacred sexuality. Come prepared to reevaluate your sex life, and destigmatize pleasure! We will end with an activated meditation to Lilith.
avatar for Gaybrielle Gray

Gaybrielle Gray

Gaybrielle Gray is initiated into 4 different traditions, and is most public about her initiation as a Gnostic Bishop. At a young age she started having intense experiences with entities; predictive dreams, and forming friendships with trees and rocks. She has a Bachelor’s Degree... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Conference Room E

10:30pm EST

Shamanic Manifestation: Mystical Desires Journey
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Do you want to learn a truly effective technique for making wishes come true? Join us for a transformative shamanic manifestation ritual featuring the shamanic drum. This session seamlessly blends shamanism, meditation, visualization, and manifestation techniques. Whether you're a mature magician seeking to enrich your practice, a shaman ready to expand your abilities, or a newcomer to magical rituals, this experience is designed for you. Participants will be guided through a powerful ritual rooted in ancient traditions and adapted for modern times. Learn effective techniques for meditation and visualization, discover practical applications of ancient rituals in today's world, and explore universal methods for wish fulfillment.

Aleksandra Shaman

I am a pagan witch and shaman with extensive experience and the author of 8 books on magic, Wicca, shamanism, stones, and herbs. My practice combines ancient traditions with modern methods in an effort to provide spiritual guidance that is universal and accessible to all levels of... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Auditorium 2
Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

Spirit Painting
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Unleash your creativity in Johnny's "Mural Painting" class! this class offers a unique opportunity to paint a collective mural inspired by spirit animals and the boundless realms of imagination. Following a calming meditation session, children will receive guidance to translate the visions of their mind's eye onto a grand canvas. As they collaborate, they'll learn the value of teamwork in creating something truly extraordinary. Note to parents: This artistic adventure is best enjoyed in comfortable attire, as we'll be using vibrant acrylic paints that are meant to leave a lasting impression on the art, not on fancy clothes!

Johnny Khaos

Jonathon Bowen brings a rich tapestry of experience to the realm of esoteric arts. As an artist deeply rooted in pagan traditions for over three decades, his expertise spans astrology, Wicca, shamanism, and Hermetic philosophy. Jonathon's journey has been one of profound exploration... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

9:30am EST

A Personal Mythology
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
We are all familiar with the trials and heroic deeds of Hercules. We have heard many legends of the gods altering mortals' lives. These stories now can seem remote and historically entertaining, but they were teaching stories for people to become aware of the gods working within and through them. We all have a bit of the Hero inside. We all have the God/dess within. We each have some awareness of how we affect the world around us. So what is your story? What do you believe about who you are? Re-examine aspects of your life through the lens of myth and create a teaching story with you as the main character.
avatar for Patricia DeSandro

Patricia DeSandro

Bonadea Lyonesse (Patricia DeSandro) has served the larger Pagan community as a wisewoman, elder high priestess of Wicca, and a teacher/presenter for more than 35 years. She founded the Circle of the Sacred Grove Temple of the Old Religion, an active teaching coven, in 1999. Bonadea... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

9:30am EST

A Poisoner's Journey of Healing & Self-Discovery
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
The poison path is full of herbs from the witch's garden with great magical potential and fascinating folklore. Despite their baneful reputations, they are profound spiritual healers capable of offering support in tremendous ways. Join Coby Michael in a powerfully personal journey of trauma, addiction and recovery while meeting three allies that offered support through this process; deadly nightshade, fly agaric and foxglove. Coby will demonstrate the intersection between magical correspondence and medicinal properties, demonstrating how we can access plant spirit medicine for healing, personal growth and empowerment for whatever challenges we are faced with.
avatar for Coby Michael

Coby Michael

Coby Michael is an occult herbalist and magical practitioner specializing in the ritual use of poisonous and psychoactive plants.  He owns and operates The Poisoner’s Apothecary, an online shop and educational resource for the poison path.  Coby has been blogging since 2016 and... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room A

9:30am EST

Animism Lessons from Avatar the Last Air-Bender
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Since its release 20 years ago, Avatar the Last Air-Bender has become a beloved cultural phenomenon inspiring a sequel series, several graphic novels, a live action movie, and a live action Netflix series. Its magical world based in the concept of elemental balance, and its impressive character arcs have won awards and made it a favorite series for people of all ages. But is there more we can gain from Avatar than exciting and heartwarming stories? In this class we will explore select elements of Avatar's depiction of the Spirit World as a way to understand real life lessons in animism and how these lessons can inspire our own connections with the spirit world.

BJ Swain

BJ Swain is the author of Living Spirits: A Guide to Magic in a World of Spirits, Luminarium: A Grimoire of Cunning Conjuration, Familiar Unto Me: Witches Sorcerers and Their Spirit Companions. He was a contributing editor for Heaven and Hell 2018: The Grimoire Issue, and has had... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

9:30am EST

Empaths and Owning your power.
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
This class will be a lecture and discussion on empaths and how to lay claim your power. We will discuss what an empath is, what kind of sensitivity empaths have, and how to use this power for our highest good. We will also discuss oversensitivity and helpful ways to limit overstimulation.
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:30am EST

Herbal Allies Invoking the Power of Herbs
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
From creating amulets to making offerings on an altar, Herbal Magic invites love, health, protection and abundance into your life. Our herbal allies can bring rich and nuanced motion into our spells - or stop action all together!! You will follow the anatomy of a spell and how to incorporate herbs. Once you’ve learned how to create your spells, we’ll take a closer look at several easily accessible herbs to get you started.
avatar for Heather Hall

Heather Hall

Heather Hall is your Herbalist. She started learning about herbs from her midwife and was fascinated. As her herbal practice has grown, she’s continued her learning through workshops and courses provided by experts in this field. She’s also a member of an organoleptics group where... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

9:30am EST

Mainstreamers and Mystery-Seekers
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Witchcraft has exploded in popularity as a genre within entertainment media, as a fashion aesthetic, and as a lifestyle brand: crystals, tarot decks, and spellbooks are now sold at major retailers and these tools and information about witchcraft are easily accessible in ways that would have once seemed unimaginable. How do members of the magical community navigate their own identity and feelings of authenticity within this context of Witchcraft-as-fad, and what does it mean for our ability to build community? In this class I will share findings from my academic research into how Pagans respond to the mainstreaming of interest in the “witchy” and esoteric and navigate this cultural landscape, followed by discussion.
avatar for Carly Sherman

Carly Sherman

University of Notre Dame
Carly Sherman is a doctoral candidate at the University of Notre Dame working on completing her Ph.D. in Sociology. Her research interests include New Religious Movements, subcultures, identity, gender and sexuality, and theory, and she has studied Witchcraft and Contemporary Paganism... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room C

9:30am EST

Satanic Panic
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Satanic Panic rocked the nation - and the world - in the 1980s and 1990s. Christians saw Satan and. His hand everywhere from manufacturer’s logos to popular rock bands. The phenomenon still rears its ugly head in many pockets of the US. What caused this insanity? Could it happen again? Please note that this class covers the Christian view of Satanism and not the Satanic Temple or any actual Satanist practices.

Cat McQuillin

Cathy McQuillin has been a practicing witch for nearly 40 years. She is an elder and founding member of the Mystics of Rhea Lur, a coven in the Mid-Michigan area. She has taught classes at local meet ups, stores, and at Convocation.
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room F

9:30am EST

Spiritual Herbalism
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Within our magical practices we recognize the sacredness of each tool as set apart from the tools of the mundane. Yet, we sometimes overlook the sacredness of relationship or understand the depth of offering that each plant which we request support from is holding. Recognizing and connecting on this level can add such beauty and potency to our work. During our time together we will chat about foundations of spiritual herbalism, herbal and magical energetics as they relate to the human experience. How to practically and effectively connect with plant allies in our ritual practices, spell work and our healing collaborations. We will create a plant spirit altar, have the opportunity to hand stitch our own small corded plant pouch and come together for a plant journey meditation.


Greetings,I have been a solitary, eclectic witch for most of my life, growing under pine bows and yew branches in the company of mystery and magic. Wortcunner, herbal sorceress, intuitive reader, animist and creatrix. Honing and honoring my personal call and connection to the divine... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room B

9:30am EST

Supporting LGBTQ+ In your Circles
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
LGBTQ+ people have plenty of challenges in the world we live in. As Pagans, we need to work hard to be better. As a trans woman navigating the corporate world and facing my own challenges, I have found acceptance in my own pagan communities. This class is meant to train leaders on ways to make sure their circles are safe and inclusive for people of the LGBTQ+ communities. We all deserve safe spaces to worship and for some of us that is becoming more challenging, let's be better and do better for those who seek this path and seek new connections.
avatar for Rev. Ella Silverstar

Rev. Ella Silverstar

Rev. Ella Silverstar (she/her) is a 2nd Degree High Priestess of the WISE Tradition of Wicca, under the guidance of Lord Solinox Silverstar of Weavers of the Web, ATC. She is the Secretary on the Weavers of the Web board and the coven Tech Witch. Ella volunteers as the IT Director... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
First Floor Salon 1

9:30am EST

The Power of Symbolism in a Fractal Universe
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
“As Above, So Below” In a universe where patterns repeat infinitely at every scale, symbolism is a powerful tool for understanding and connecting with the divine. Solinox explores the concept of magick in a a fractal universe and how symbols act as keys to unlocking deeper spiritual truths. Learn to harness the power of symbolism in ritual, meditation, and everyday life, and deepen your insight into the interconnectedness of all things.
avatar for Lord Solinox Silverstar

Lord Solinox Silverstar

High Priestx, Weavers of the Web, ATC
Lord Solinox Silverstar is a 3rd-degree High Priestx in the WISE-ATC tradition of Wicca with a BM in Wiccan Ministry from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. Originally from Texas, Solinox has lived in Michigan for more than two decades, and has dedicated their life to building... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room E

9:30am EST

Self Publishing 101 for Pagan Authors
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
So many practitioners and teachers have the knowledge to share, but aren't sure how to get it to the hands of those seeking it. As an author, artist, and advocate, my goal is to get the tools to publish into the hands of those with something to say.
We will go over how to structure and edit your book, how to choose which distributors to publish through, how to find a cover artist and illustrator or create your images, ways to format your book for publishing, and give you the rundown about the dreaded "M" word: marketing.

Rue Sparks

Rue Sparks is a composite of neurosis and nonsense held together by duct tape and sheer stubbornness. A widow, disabled, and queer, they traverse the equally harsh and cathartic landscape where trauma and healing align to create stories that burrow into the hearts and minds of their... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room G

11:30am EST

Cooking With Magickal Intention
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Have you ever truly thought about the foods you gather, prepare and serve to your loved ones? Are you familiar with the energies of those various items? What you may have added to the pot, the plate or the stomach.
It is my belief that the energy of each ingredient has strength and purpose all on its own. That when certain ingredients are added with intent, the results can be amazing.
For instance, if you needed to connect to your grounded self, to stabilize, what would you eat or prepare? What if you felt a need to clear or renew? Maybe there is change coming or, one you wish to bring forth. What energies we do consume becomes a part of us. When we add intent they become awakened, active & vibrant. This workshop will cover various veggies, fruits, proteins, dairy & herbs.
avatar for MeKailia Nimue

MeKailia Nimue

MeKailia Nimue has been a practioner of magickal ways & workings for as long as she can remember. As a hereditary Witche, flows & connections of energy have always been with her. They are a part of her daily life, both in thought & action. She truly enjoys sharing with those who are... Read More →
avatar for Phoebe Sibylline

Phoebe Sibylline

Phoebe Sibylline has studied and grown within the craft for many, many moon's now. Beginning as a solitary practioner at a very young age. She has moved into public view, studied even more and now shares her knowledge with others. Teaching privately and at local events such as Ann... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

11:30am EST

Heroes and the Heroic Path in Ancient Hellenic Religion
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Ancient Greek traditions about the heroes provide us with a particular model of how to live in such a way as to be of service to this world and to hone our chosen type of excellence.  In the Hellenic tradition, heroes were humans who have managed to transcend the limitations of their mortality and become something else.  Heroes are important for two reasons.  First, they can be called upon as intercessors.  Secondly, they reveal a path available to humans for becoming something else—for becoming some form of Theoi.  Through analysis we can discover this heroic path that is accessible to all of us.  Come join Gwendolyn as she examines the nature of heroes and the heroic path with an eye towards practical application.

Gwendolyn Reece

Dr. Gwendolyn Reece is the high priestess of Theophania, a coven in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel based in Washington, DC.  She is the President of the Sacred Space Foundation (which runs the Sacred Space Conference) and is the author of The Waters of Mnemosyne: Ancient Greek... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room A

11:30am EST

Pop-Craft: Adapting Media to Real Magical Practice
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Ever wish you could do the things we see on TV or read in books? Have you ever pretended to open an automatic door with the 'Force,' or mumbled a 'Power of Three' spell under your breath? Perhaps you've waved a wand around wishing the brooms and mops would clean your house on their own (without the flooding). Pop Culture witchcraft is an undeniable influence on magic, the occult, and paganism. This class will discuss tools, tips, and tricks to adapting the fantastical to real, personal, and powerful magical practice. We will discuss how Terry Pratchett wrote the gold standard of witchcraft; how to cast a protection using the original Charmed; as well as how to rethink magical theory via Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell.

Cris Castellano

Cris Castellano is a multi-named, multi-talented artist from Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been a practicing pagan since 2005. His day job as a sign maker allows him a lot of time to listen to occult media while contemplating the secrets of the universe. At night, he devotes himself... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

11:30am EST

Queer Rites of Passage in Magickal Practice
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Queer people undergo many unique rites of passage in our journeys to become our authentic selves, from coming out to taking our first dose of hormones to celebrating chosen family. How can we honor these important milestones with a magickal ritual in a way that’s personal, profound, powerful, and affirming? In this workshop, we’ll look at techniques and ideas for potent rite of passage rituals for a wide variety of queer magickal practitioners, and end with a guided meditation for participants to find more ideas to craft their own rituals.
avatar for Enfys Book

Enfys Book

Author, Major Arqueerna
Enfys J. Book (they/them) is the author of the Gold COVR award-winning Queer Qabala, co-author (with Ivo Dominguez, Jr.) of Sagittarius Witch, and author of the forthcoming Queer Rites: A Magickal Grimoire to Honor Your Milestones with Pride (Llewellyn, 2025). They are the High Priest... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room C

11:30am EST

Unveiling the Mystique: Ritual Use of Masks in Paganism
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
In this workshop you will learn about the intricacies of using masks during ritual practice. This will include a brief history of the origin of masks in pagan practice, the symbolism involved within the use of masks and explore the different types of masks that are often used. There will also be discussion on the types of rituals, ceremonies, and practices best suited for mask use along with how to craft your own for specific use. Within this discussion we will explore shamanic use of masks, ethical considerations to consider, and contemporary applications. This will then be closed out with a discussion on case studies, personal testimonies and experiences, challenges and controversies, and future application.
avatar for Allison Lovecraft

Allison Lovecraft

Founder, PSK Occult Goods and Services
Practicing a unique blend of curated witchcraft,  Allison focuses mainly on manifestation and psychic arts. Many of these allow her to utilize art and crafting into her practice.
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room B

11:30am EST

Non Duality and the Perennial Philosophy
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
At the core of most religions, there is often a mystical tradition. Some argue that at the heart of all mysticism lies a singular teaching—a perennial philosophy. This workshop will explore and compare mystical philosophy from several traditions, including Advaita Vedanta, Hermeticism, Neoplatonism, and Kabbalah. Students will learn practical exercises to cultivate ecstatic experiences similar to those found in these great mystical traditions.
avatar for Joe Monteleone

Joe Monteleone

Tarot Mysticism Academy
Joe Monteleone, described by the Huffington Post as a "one-man-band of magical-thinking-made reality," is a Tarot master teacher, coach, YouTuber, modern mystic, and best-selling author of Tarot Mysticism: The Psycho-Spiritual Technology of the Thoth Tarot. With over 20 years of experience... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room E

11:30am EST

Runic Dance: Dancing the Runes
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Runes have a long history in Nordic culture, becoming more popular with recent popular tv shows and festivals. In the folktales of Norway, the huldre dance the Runes. The dance of the Runes can embody the message or relationship you have with the Rune. In this workshop, we will take 3 Runes and discover a way to incorporate them into a runic dance.

This workshop will use belly dance concepts from various styles to shape the Runes with your body. I will share my interpretation of each Rune presented based on study and practice. I will also show how to use these dance concepts in a solo and group improv performance.

Runes presented will be: Fehu, Algiz, and Othel.
avatar for Erin Hagen

Erin Hagen

Erin Hagen is a life-long student and lover of dance. She has been trained in ballet, Fat Chance Bellydance Style (FCBD Style), and Fly Fusion belly dance. She takes her love for dance to create stories, ritual, and community.Her spiritual practice has changed and evolved into a Nordic... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Auditorium 2

11:30am EST

Breaking Your Bonds Community Ritual
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Many of us now stand at a crossroads. We know that what is happening in our life is not working anymore, but we don't know how to move forward. Maybe the task of creating change seems unimaginable, or maybe we can't see any alternatives. This ritual is designed to magically and psychologically break bonds that are binding us to unhealthy and unfulfilling situations. Warning: this ritual has been known to produce massive change in the lives of those who participate in it. Change is often painful and scary, but instructions will be given in class for ways to word and shape intentions to create the reality you know is waiting for you.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Garden Marquee

11:30am EST

Connecting with Our Ancestors
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Join us for a brief discussion and ritual to connect with our healthy ancestors. We’ll set sacred space and invite our healthy ancestors to join us. Please bring any ancestral items or representations to place on the altar for ritual. Also, please bring any offerings you would like to leave for the ancestors. We will also have offerings available for people to give.
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
avatar for Emily streakingfate

Emily streakingfate

Emily is a Kemetic and Heathen spiritworker as well as an initiated member of the Pack Magic tradition. She maintains an active ancestor practice in addition to a few significant relationships with Gods and spirits outside of her main traditions. She reads with a variety of Tarot... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

11:30am EST

Folkplay -- The Stag Hunt -- For All Ages
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Briefly learn about Folkplays / Ritual Theater / Processionals of the British Isles. View photos of Stag ceremonies from around the world. Then participate in Hunting the Stag! This is a genuinely older folklore tradition which has versions in many different cultures. Mighty Hunters chase Herne the Stag / the Bucca and slay him -- don't be sad, he is reincarnated to run again. Then participants eat Stag-shaped gingerbread cookies. Differently-abled people can drum, chant, and make noise. This tradition is intended for all ages. Little kids will be given priority in hunting the Stag.
avatar for A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag has been practicing the folk magick of the British Isles for over 40 years. She/they has presented workshops, rituals and folkplays throughout the midwest and online. A.C. is the author of "Common Magick" available from Llewellyn Worldwide. She/they enjoys homesteading... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

2:00pm EST

Malkuth and Alchemy: As Above, So Below
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
We will examine how the concepts found in Malkuth come into play in both historical and modern alchemical practices. Malkuth is the first symbolic connection point between the physical and the spiritual, the created and the creator(s), it is first contact point of the corporal and the divine. As such, Malkuth is the one Sefirah believed to emanate not from the divine, but from us. Malkuth sits at the base of the Tree of Life symbol and connects directly to Keter at the top, which we will discuss through the hermetic principle; As above, so below. We will discuss historical alchemists and how they employed hermetic concepts of these connections in their life and work and then move to modern practice and how to employ these concepts into our daily lives, rituals, and plans.
avatar for Meg Raphoon

Meg Raphoon

Meg Raphoon grew up gazing at the ocean and climbing trees on the north shore of Long Island. She currently resides in Detroit Michigan with her amazing son and the cats who have adopted them. She is on the Board of Directors for the Magical Education Council and one of the Convention... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

2:00pm EST

Pagan Community, Pagan Culture
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
We joke about organizing Pagans being much like herding cats. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not so much. In this workshop we’ll explore what culture and community really are, what Pagan culture and Pagan community look like, and ways we might change both culture and community to be better for us all.
avatar for Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan
Janet Callahan is an Indigenous Pagan author, Reiki Master, and community builder living in Michigan with her family. Janet currently produces shows for Spiral Moon TV and Pagan Public Radio and writes for Semaphore News. She organizes many projects through Spiral Moon Family Circle... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

2:00pm EST

Introduction to the Magick of Lenormand
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Introduction to the Magick of Lenormand:
Discover Lenormand, the Cards of Fate, named after the renowned Marie Anne Lenormand cartomancer, necromancer, and member of the Members of Mercurii occult astrological society. The Lenormand cartomancy deck, made famous in The Game of Hope, is comprised of 36 cards which offer insights through sentence structures, card spreads, and interpretative combinations. This unique system, set apart from other oracles or tarot, showcases an exceptional precision and is a visual and energetic focal point for directing Magick. Acquire the meanings of the 36 cards and learn techniques to combine them in 2 card, 3 card, 5 card, 7 card, and 9 card readings to layer into your spell work, attain a better understanding of the past and gain insight into the future.
avatar for Maria Wander

Maria Wander

Maria Wander is a NYC-based High Priestess, practicing astro-mage, ritualist and herbalist. She creates talismanic remedies, herbal/gem tinctures, and flower essences. An astrologer of 25+ years, she is the United Astrology Conference 2026 VP, a Director for the National Council of... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room D

2:00pm EST

Awakening The Witchblood: How do I Hollow my Tool?
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
To Hallow/Hollowing is the act of making something sacred. How and why did the ideas surrounding magickal consecration come about? How do you hollow a tool? What does it mean to enchant, charm, and create something magical? Join author and Witch-Priest Nathan King for a deep dive exploring the hands-on ways of hollowing tools, self, and space!
avatar for Nathan King

Nathan King

Crossed Crow Books
Nathan King is a Witch, performer, and owner of Witch-Path Magick & Occult. Nathan is a Minos (3-degree High Priest ) of The Minoan Brotherhood Tradition and an initiate of British Traditional Witchcraft. He carries the inspired currents for traditional practices with a deep passion... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

2:00pm EST

Building Pagan Community Through Song
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Come learn and sing a selection of Pagan songs and chants as we enact and envision the future of Pagan sacred music and its role in our community. Music has a unique magic to forge and strengthen human connections. Come prepared to sing, discuss, and meet new friends! Those with instruments are encouraged to bring them along. No musical experience necessary!
avatar for Nora Farley

Nora Farley

Nora Farley is a singer, composer, and language teacher currently pursuing her masters in music composition at the University of Michigan. She learned song-leading in her experience as a summer camp counselor and has lately turned it towards fostering the Pagan community music tradition... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

2:00pm EST

The Tarot Show
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
What happens when Kate Mura of GroupTarot gives a Tarot reading to an entire audience? Find out!

Last year overlaying Yesod with the group reading was so potent, I want to offer it again this year! Every experience is different, as every Tarot reading and individual is different. And yet! Common themes, and a shared path unite us. Stories, anecdotes, conversation, philosophy, questions, history and herstory come out specifically for your audience, your day, your season. You are involved. By picking cards, conversing, asking questions, and actively, compassionately listening. I am so excited for this year's Tarot Show overlay with Malkuth, as one of tarot's superpowers is showing us our next tangible steps, which we'll find together.
avatar for Kate (or Neowise)

Kate (or Neowise)

Founder, Group Tarot
"For years Kate Mura has been one of the most multifaceted theatre artists in Portland. Her extensive skill set includes actor, deviser, writer, director, puppeteer, mask-maker, dancer, mover, carpenter, ground rigger and union stage hand. Oh yes, and Tarot card reader.” — Bobby... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

4:00pm EST

Bringing Paganism into Everyday Family Life
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST

In the first installment of our three-part series on the importance of pagan education within families, we will explore different ways families can incorporate pagan learning and traditions into their everyday lives with their children. From simple rituals and ceremonies to storytelling and crafts, we will discuss practical and creative ways to teach children about pagan beliefs and practices.
avatar for Victoria Sinclair

Victoria Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
 Victoria Sinclair, who holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, Canada, is the visionary owner of Equinox Learning Hub. She draws upon her extensive background as an educator in the public education system and her firsthand experience as a Pagan homeschooling... Read More →
avatar for Christine Black

Christine Black

Equinox Learning Hub
Christine Black is a passionate educator with a Master's degree in teaching and extensive experience in STEM and project-based learning. As the point of contact for Equinox Learning Hub, Christine handles communications and operations for families in the United States and Canada... Read More →

Erik Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

4:00pm EST

Building The Magickal Apothecary
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
We will discuss how to resource herbs, spices, and other magickal items to build an apothecary that will serve all your magickal and economic needs. We will also discuss how to properly store apothecary items, foraging, and how to properly dry fresh herbs. We will also look at the top 10 herbs every apothecary should have and why.

Rev. Sharon Ross

Rev. Sharon Ross is a long time ecclectic witch, rootworker, and metaphysician. She earned her Bachelor Degree from the University Of Metaphysics in Metaphysical Science.  She is currently pursuing a Master Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University Of Metaphysics. She is... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room G

4:00pm EST

Dancing with Death: A Primer for Death Deities
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
From Hades to Izanami, there are gods of death from all around the world. Join us as we discuss what it means to work with these deities on a personal level. We'll do a quick tour of some popular and less-than-popular death gods, what working with them can look like, and what you can learn from these often misunderstood purveyors of death. Come look death in the face. You might just learn something.
avatar for Arden le Fey

Arden le Fey

Arden le Fey is a Michigan native eclectic witch with a background in classic Wicca, modern witchcraft, Satanism, and is an active member of the Sisterhood of Avalon. They also have a BA in psychology and write book reviews on Instagram and Goodreads. Please give them a follow @b... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

4:00pm EST

Ensouling the Effigy: Image Magic & Enspirited Objects
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
The creation of humanoid figures is an act with origins which predates recorded history. Such work aligns us with the art of the gods as conjured by humanity's earliest imagining, and creates both a conduit for power and an anchor for spirit. In this discussion we will explore the use of the dolls and effigies in various magical traditions throughout history, as well as examine practical ways that we may meaningfully incorporate them into a contemporary practice based upon sound tradition.
avatar for Matthew Venus

Matthew Venus

Teacher, Author, Apothecary, Diviner, Spiritus Arcanum
Matthew Venus is a traditional witch, artist, and folk magician based in Salem, Massachusetts, whose craft is centered around a deep heart of animism and a dedication to ancestral and land-based traditions. Over the past two decades, Matthew has been sharing his teachings with students... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room A

4:00pm EST

Live Podcast Episode of Ask a Witch with Bellamy Black
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Join us for a live recording of "Ask a Witch with Bellamy Black," a captivating podcast that delves into the world of witchcraft and spirituality. This special event, hosted by Bellamy Black, owner of Blessed Be Tea and Apothecary of Traverse City, MI, features a 60-minute episode where Bellamy interviews a local expert "Live from ConVocation". During this interview we will discuss the History of ConVo, its impact on the community and will take a deep dive into this year's theme, Malkuth. Attendees will experience the podcast recording process firsthand, with professional production by Cyde Productions of Williamsburg, MI.
Admission is free, but donations to Pagan's in Need are welcome. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of an enlightening conversation and support a great cause!

Bellamy Black

Bellamy Black is the vibrant owner of Blessed Be Tea and Apothecary in Traverse City, Michigan, and the voice behind the popular podcast "Ask a Witch." With over 15 years of experience, Bellamy is a Reiki Master, Herbalist, professional witch, and devoted mother and entrepreneur... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room C

4:00pm EST

Mirth and Reverence Panel Discussion
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
“And therefore let there be … mirth and reverence within you.” – Doreen Valiente. What does it mean to have mirth and reverence? How do modern day practitioners exemplify these virtues and weave them throughout their practices? Come explore with us the balance between joy and solemnity in our spiritual practices, and how we see and work with these elements in our rituals, community gatherings, and daily lives.
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
avatar for Nathan King

Nathan King

Crossed Crow Books
Nathan King is a Witch, performer, and owner of Witch-Path Magick & Occult. Nathan is a Minos (3-degree High Priest ) of The Minoan Brotherhood Tradition and an initiate of British Traditional Witchcraft. He carries the inspired currents for traditional practices with a deep passion... Read More →

Paul Barbary

Paul is the Owner of Artes And Craft along with his wife, Pat. Artes And Craft is the largest and most specialized Pagan and Witchcraft store in Michigan and one of the most important in the Midwest. Paul has been pagan and a practitioner of magick since he was 11 years old and ran... Read More →
avatar for Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey has been coming to ConVocation for over twenty-five years and eventually became a prolific Witchcraft author (ten books and counting!). A former resident of Lansing Michigan, today Jason resides in California’s Silicon Valley with his wife Ari. For fun Jason enjoys... Read More →
avatar for Rhiannon Zell

Rhiannon Zell

Rhiannon Zell has been a Wiccan Priestess teaching the Craft for over 50 years, and is co-founder ofthe eclectic SerpentStone tradition. For 25 years, she helped organize grassroots Pagan gatheringsthroughout North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia, with attendance up to 2,000. With... Read More →
avatar for Lord Solinox Silverstar

Lord Solinox Silverstar

High Priestx, Weavers of the Web, ATC
Lord Solinox Silverstar is a 3rd-degree High Priestx in the WISE-ATC tradition of Wicca with a BM in Wiccan Ministry from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. Originally from Texas, Solinox has lived in Michigan for more than two decades, and has dedicated their life to building... Read More →
avatar for Mara Evenstar

Mara Evenstar

Owner, Evenstar's Chalice
Ordained Priestess, Educator, Healer and Scholar, Mara Evenstar, MTP, holds a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology with specialization in Spiritual Psychology as well as Organizational Development. She is a doctoral candidate at Meridian University in Leadership and Social Transformation... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

4:00pm EST

Psychological Magic: Psychotherapy as Healing-Magic
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
In this talk we will explore the practice and process of psychotherapy—or perhaps more aptly named, psychetherapy (i.e., soul-therapy)—through an historical, magical, archetypal, and mystical lens. What are the elements of psychetherapy that make it such a powerful type of healing-magic and soul-magic--for the client? How can psychetherapy be engaged in ways that bring holistic healing to all domains? Does your therapist need to be a Pagan or Heathen for therapy to be magic? Join me—a licensed psychetherapist and Pagan—to explore these questions, and more.
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

5:45pm EST

Kabbalat Shabbat - Welcoming the Shekhina
Friday February 21, 2025 5:45pm - 8:30pm EST
Shabbat (sabbath) is the Jewish celebration of Rest. When Friday’s sun sets, we enter into the day of Shabbatai (ie, Saturn’s day), and celebrate that we are not slaves, but free people. No master, no boss, no mundane compulsion can make us work today. “The Sabbaths are our great cathedrals; and our Holy of Holies is a shrine that neither the Romans nor the Germans were able to burn.. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things of space; on the Sabbath we try to become attuned to holiness in time. It is a day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of creation to the mystery of creation, from the world of creation to the creation of the world.” I will explain & translate the ritual; then anyone who wants to participate can.
avatar for Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros, author of Orphic Hymns Grimoire, The Big Book of Magical Incense, and The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Pentacles of the Magician King, is Pittsburgh's leading Witch for Hire. She teaches Tarot, Witchcraft, Greek and Near Eastern mythology, Pan-Levantine folk... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 5:45pm - 8:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

7:00pm EST

An Introduction to Druidy / Druidry 101
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Druidry 101 will present a history of Druidry, including Druidrs in the historical past, Druids during the "Druid Revival", and Neopagan Druids. A discussion of some of the major Druid groups will be included, such as ADF, OBOD, and RDNA.

An RDNA Druid Ritual will be included which will allow attendees to become Druids of the 1str Order (RDNA) is they so wish. All are welcome!

Jean (Drum) Pagano

Jean (Drum) Pagano is a Druid. He has been a pagan since the 1970s and has been involved with RDNA, NRDNA, OBOD, and ADF. He is a Dedicant, Initiate, Senior Priest, and Archdruid of ADF. He is a Druid Grade member of OBOD, and a Priest in RDNA.Jean is the author or co-author of eight... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

7:00pm EST

Conversation with Mother Mary
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
A practicing animist, Mikki Baloy has developed an ongoing personal relationship with Mother Mary (yes that one). This relationship, which has been somewhat outside the usual church-centric ideas, has led to Mary becoming a primary ally in Mikki's Shamanic and ritual practice. This informed her book, "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," published in 2022. In our time together, Mikki will offer a reading, discussion and Q&A, and perhaps a short channeled message from Mary herself.
avatar for Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy is a shamanic practitioner and ritualist. She is the author of "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," having cultivated a relationship with Mary outside of the usual context of the church through animist and shamanic practice. Since 2009... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room G

7:00pm EST

Seal, Sigil, and Call: An Introduction to Paneidolism
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
The Paneidolist approach to spirit conjuration frames relationships with disincarnate intelligences as collegiate partnerships. It encourages the practitioner to make the practice their own, and presents a complete framework from which the practitioner can adapt and tailor the work to their own unique needs.

This workshop provides a very brief introduction to Paneidolism, the ritual framework and spirit contact methodology presented in "Seal, Sigil & Call: A New Approach to Ritual Magic" from Llewellyn Books. It will cover the core philosophy and terminology used by the method, as well as practical instruction on the method itself.

J.R. Mascaro

J.R. Mascaro is an author, artist, and sorcerer who has been working with energy and communicating with inhabitants of the subtle realm since childhood. He has used his ritual practice to navigate life, and it is his desire to share with others the techniques and methods that have... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room F

7:00pm EST

Spirit Voices: Mysteries & Magic of North Asian Shamans
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Anthropologists tell us the word “shaman” derives from Tungus language and traditions, but few understand what that means. We will explore the history and practice of shamanism, and walk through the landscapes of North Asia, and the largely hidden and unfamiliar traditions of Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic shamanism, exploring the subtle and unique aspects of each tradition.

In this class, we will explore:
- Indigenous spiritual and shamanic traditions and beliefs of the Turkic, Mongol, and Tungus peoples
- Broad cosmology and mythology of these shamanic cultures
- Shamanic tools used by these cultures
- Practical concepts and methods that can enhance your own practice

This class will largely draw from topics and themes from David’s book “Spirit Voices”.
avatar for David Shi

David Shi

David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room D

7:00pm EST

Unveiling the Hidden Mysteries of Red Riding Hood
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
When viewed through the lens of neo-pagan witchcraft, Little Red Riding Hood is more than a simple fairy tale; it is an initiation story that mirrors the journey of the sacred feminine. It encapsulates the transition from innocence to experience, the confrontation with the darker aspects of the self, and the ultimate rebirth into a more profound understanding of one's power and wisdom. We will begin this class by examining the tale's symbolism, talk about the importance of the forest setting, and ground our discussion in historical understandings of werewolves. From there, we will discuss initiation rites and how to embrace shapeshifting as part of modern practice. The class will end with a fifteen-minute guided meditation, a crucial part of our journey together.
avatar for Erin M. Stellatarum

Erin M. Stellatarum

Erin M. Stellatarum of Hummingbird Hawk Moth has enjoyed a lifelong obsession with folklore and mythology, which has led her down the path of neo-paganism. She has been a practicing solitary witch and priestess for over fifteen years and has read tarot for over twenty years, gradually... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room B

7:00pm EST

Don’t be a dick and other basics of magical ethics
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Ethics are personal and variable. Who you are today and who you are evolving into in the future is built from your personal values and ethics. Jacki Smith shares her tools to help you uncover what your values & ethics really are and dive into their origins to see if they fit who you want to be. Bring a pencil and something to write on, Jacki loves to give out a good worksheet.
avatar for Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith is the multi-talented founder of Coventry Creations, an internationally known, rapidly growing candle factory in Ferndale, MI as well as a co-owner of the magically quaint Candle Wick Shoppe.  Jacki didn’t just start a candle company, she jump started an entire industry... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room A

7:00pm EST

Manifesting through Art
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
"Manifesting through Art" is a transformative class where Johnny guides participants through the creative process of bringing their desires and necessities into reality. Utilizing artistic expression as a powerful tool, this course delves into the intersection of creativity and manifestation techniques. Attendees will explore how to channel their intentions into tangible art forms, thereby unlocking a unique path to achieving personal goals and enriching their lives. Art skills are not needed, it's about the process not the result.

Johnny Khaos

Jonathon Bowen brings a rich tapestry of experience to the realm of esoteric arts. As an artist deeply rooted in pagan traditions for over three decades, his expertise spans astrology, Wicca, shamanism, and Hermetic philosophy. Jonathon's journey has been one of profound exploration... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Conference Room E

7:00pm EST

CommUnity Ritual
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
This CommUnity ritual was performed for the first time at ConVocation 2024. It was created by Pat Camarena Rose Barbary and Sage Hart along with others with the hope that it would be performed each year. In alignment with the mission of ConVocation, we hope to weave a feeling and belonging even within our diversity. We create a togetherness by celebrating all our differences in ritual space. The holly branch that holds the tokens of our joint efforts the first year will be returned and expanded upon this year. There will be drumming and some movement and song. In our ritual space, each quarter and all other offices are led by various groups or leaders of different paths to represent our unity as a diverse but coherent community of magickal and spiritual practitioners. This year, Mara Evenstar is joining Pat and Sage in leadership.  

Pat Camarena-Rose Barbary

Pat is co-owner of Artes and Craft in Hartford, MI. She is HPS of MoonFire Coven begun in 1986 in Cambridge, MA and later resurrected in Coloma, MI.  As a Mexican American,  she has explored many alternative sects of Witchcraft and Paganism. As an Alexandrian and OTO member, she... Read More →
avatar for Mara Evenstar

Mara Evenstar

Owner, Evenstar's Chalice
Ordained Priestess, Educator, Healer and Scholar, Mara Evenstar, MTP, holds a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology with specialization in Spiritual Psychology as well as Organizational Development. She is a doctoral candidate at Meridian University in Leadership and Social Transformation... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

7:00pm EST

Magic Without Tools: Focus and Intent by Sean Wilde
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Sean will introduce the manifestation of energy, layers of the aura, and how to sense both. Energy exchange and manipulation of that energy will be done in a small group setting to illustrate how we can affect the world with emotion, color, and other forms. This class will also explore the magic we put out into the world, and attendees will be encouraged to have more day-to-day awareness of this as they move through the physical world.

* Learn how to sense the aura and what the various layers of the aura are
* Learn how to exchange energy with others
* Learn how to alter the energy in a group setting
* Learn how to sense color, emotion, and other manifestations of magic.

Suitable for any level of practitioner, this class will complement your pre-existing path or tradition.
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Sean Wilde

Sassy Magick
Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He holds degrees in multiple traditions and is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. Residing in New Orleans, he co-owns Sassy Magick, Noir and Boutique, metaphysical... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:00pm EST

Womb Shamanism: An Inward Path to the Divine
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
Womb Shamanism in the Rose Lineage tradition is a deeply feminine, deeply embodied path to the Divine. All are invited to explore the power and potency within their own sacred wombs in this experiential playshop. (You are truly welcome here - beings of all genders have an energetic womb space.) We’ll chat about the sacred, sordid history (and disparagement) of womb work, play with some practices to enhance our personal power and connection to the divine, and explore what womb sovereignty looks like in the modern age. Mature audience only, as topics may include sacred union, sacred sexuality, and the sacred whore.
avatar for Kallie England

Kallie England

Soul Tender, Tree Song Soul Tending
Kallie England, LMSW, is an Adventure Therapist, Transformational Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, University Instructor, Psychedelic Expert, Occasionally Successful Gardener, Temple Tender, & Devoted Seeker of the Divine who has been hosting transformational events since 2015. She is passionate... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:00pm EST

DnD character building and dungeon delving!
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Using the updated mechanics of the 2024 core rulebook, we'll explore character building both simple and complex, and with any remaining time we'll explore how you use your character in both social roleplay and challenging combat!

Thomas Bonser

Thomas Bonser is a D&D enthusiast with 7 years of play experience and several of those as DM. He delves into character creation and development with enthusiasm. Always happy to help a person cultivate their characters with all of the different nuances that the game has to offer. In... Read More →

Xander McDevitt

Xander McDevitt is a storyteller at heart and he uses this to create elaborate worlds for players to immerse themselves in. He started out playing D&D at a young age and spent the next 7 years creating and fine tuning stories and adventures throughout many different genres of pla... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)
Saturday, February 22

9:30am EST

Kids' Birdhouses
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Paint a gourd birdhouse to take home and hang up in spring. Will use acrylic paint - dress appropriately.
avatar for A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag has been practicing the folk magick of the British Isles for over 40 years. She/they has presented workshops, rituals and folkplays throughout the midwest and online. A.C. is the author of "Common Magick" available from Llewellyn Worldwide. She/they enjoys homesteading... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

9:30am EST

Finding your Spirit Guide
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
This is a class where we will discuss what spirit guides are and then take a journey to meet them.
avatar for Castle Silverstar

Castle Silverstar

Castle Silverstar is a 1st Degree priest of the WISE tradition under the guidance of Lord Solinox Silverstar.
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:30am EST

Herbal Energetics Match Making People and Herbs
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Sharing herbs with people is such an enriching process. Allowing a person to unwind in front of you and capture their vulnerabilities is a humbling experience. Matching herbs to their picture and presenting them with information is fun!!! Heather will guide you through the fundamental elements of herbal energetics and talk about the key points of the work of an Herbalist. Several herbs will be covered and we will talk about their personalities and typical uses.
avatar for Heather Hall

Heather Hall

Heather Hall is your Herbalist. She started learning about herbs from her midwife and was fascinated. As her herbal practice has grown, she’s continued her learning through workshops and courses provided by experts in this field. She’s also a member of an organoleptics group where... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

9:30am EST

Hitteon Faith - What it means in today's World
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
The Hittites had a sense of foreboding that would not be realized until millennia later. The Religion that they followed encompassed many different formats and styles an even different WAYS of believing. If that sounds paradoxical, then the explanation should be equally as bold. More and more, people are looking for a way to come to grips with the many different directions that religion seems to be going. When you understand that they are all aspects of a singular structure that was broken int little pieces eons ago, it may begin to make more sense. Let me take you on a journey through space and time when the differences of all people were part of the very thing that unified humanity in spirit.
avatar for AVATAR


Co-Founder, Lil' Country Haven
Joel “Avatar” Bukowski is frequent panelist at various conventions around Michigan, speaking on such topics as Self-Defense, Strange Reality, the difference between Faith and Belief, various other Philosophical and Esoteric Topics. He firmly believes that there is much more to... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room C

9:30am EST

How to listen to your intuition (and not your mind).
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
"How to Listen to Your Intuition" is a transformative workshop designed to enhance your intuitive listening skills. Learn to distinguish between the logical voice of the mind and the subtle whispers of intuition through real-life stories and practical exercises. Discover the telltale signs of the mind's influence and reflect on personal experiences where intuition guided you. Equip yourself with tools to silence mental noise and tune into your inner guidance for clearer, more insightful decision-making. This session is your invitation to trust and harness the power of your intuition on a daily basis.
avatar for Tiffany Harazinova

Tiffany Harazinova

Tiffany Harazinova is an experienced Human Design reader, astrologer, and tarot practitioner dedicated to helping individuals uncover their unique path and align with their purpose. Tiffany blends Human Design, Whole Sign Astrology, and tarot to provide profound insights into self-discovery... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Conference Room D

9:30am EST

What the Smudge
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
“Smudge” in modern terms is often used to refer to the use of herbs (most often white sage) to cleanse an area or an object of negative energies and/or entities. There’s some issues though - questions of endangered plants, cultural appropriation, and questions of efficacy. In this workshop we’ll spend a short big of time touching on cultural appropriation and endangered plants, and spend most of the time talking about what other herbs you might use for various situations, where to find them, and why it’s not a one-size-fits-all sort of process.
avatar for Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan
Janet Callahan is an Indigenous Pagan author, Reiki Master, and community builder living in Michigan with her family. Janet currently produces shows for Spiral Moon TV and Pagan Public Radio and writes for Semaphore News. She organizes many projects through Spiral Moon Family Circle... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

9:30am EST

World Soul: Finding the Divine in the World
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
There is a temptation in many religions to seek the Divine outside of the material world. While many Pagan faiths agree that there are other realms, Paganism sees the natural and physical world itself as Divine. This worldview can be as rewarding as it is challenging; it cautions against expecting saviors who will take us from this sphere, yet it teaches us to see the profound beauty and meaning within it. In this class we will discuss the origins of human religion within the natural world, and see how harmony in our physical sphere can be restored by returning to the root of all human spirituality.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
First Floor Salon 1

9:30am EST

Grounding and Centering
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
We will go through many different ways to grounding and centering.


 Kathy has been walking the path of the Goddess all of her life. She joined the MEC Board in 2006 and retired in 2019. She was ConChair three times. She spends many hours every week sewing and writing. She is looking forward to where her path takes her in the future.
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Auditorium 2

11:30am EST

Land Spirits
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
As long as we are physical beings living on Earth, we are surrounded by land spirits. Almost all indigenous cultures acknowledge the existence of land spirits and have different levels of working with them. When offended they can become the source of great wrath and tragedy, but when honored they can bring about great blessings and fortune. For those that work with gods and otherworldly spirits, cultivating a strong relationship with land spirits can greatly enhance those practices. This class will help you understand who the land spirits are, and how you can work with them in your own practice. David will be teaching about land spirits from the North Asian shamanic context, but hopes you will find these teachings to allow for a deeper understanding that will enhance your practice.
avatar for David Shi

David Shi

David Shi is a shamanic worker and folk magic practitioner who primarily engages in traditional North Asian forms of shamanism. He is primarily of Manchurian descent but can also trace ancestry to Mongolian, Chinese, Korean, as well as a little Tungus Siberian and ancient Central... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room C

11:30am EST

Seeking Gods: Exploring Their Context
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
When seeking to connect with a deity, it’s important to find aspects of them you’re curious about or identify with to build that relationship. But a lot has changed since the primary source material (whatever it may be) was laid down for your deity. How can you bring that forward to your practice today? Join Eva Lucotilla as she explores the historic and scientific context you can find around deity, and shows how you can develop that into practical connections within your practice - even if there’s little more than a name to work with.
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Eva Lucotilla

Eva Lucotilla has identified as a pagan for over 18 years, and has been attending ConVocation since 2012.  She was a member of Michigan State University's Green Spiral from 2010-2014, served as their secretary and co-coordinator, and served on their board of directors after her graduation... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room F

11:30am EST

The Well, the Tree, and the Three
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
At the heart of Germanic/Norse/Anglo-Saxon cosmology exists a sacred tableau comprised of the Well of Wyrd, Yggdrasil, and the Nornir. Simultaneously near as near can be and far as far can be, each facet of this sacred trinity contains its own deep mysteries, wild medicine and guidance. In this contemplative, collaborative, and experiential workshop, we will explore the mystery teachings and healing-magic contained within the Well, the Tree, and the Three. What can we learn from them? What can we learn from their relationship to each other? And what practical guidance do they have to offer us about how to live our lives?
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

11:30am EST

What’s My Spell? Magical Improv
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Given a bag of ingredients and spell to cast, can you improvise your way into effective magic? Any book of spells can be used as an inspirational guide to what is magically possible. In this class you will tap into that information and then use your imagination to play with magic in a new way. Join Jacki in this fun witch-tastic game where teams of witches will compete to create the most creative spell with the most mundane objects. There will be prizes!
avatar for Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith is the multi-talented founder of Coventry Creations, an internationally known, rapidly growing candle factory in Ferndale, MI as well as a co-owner of the magically quaint Candle Wick Shoppe.  Jacki didn’t just start a candle company, she jump started an entire industry... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Auditorium 2

11:30am EST

Shake, Shimmy and Wiggle!
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Come and Shake, Shimmy, and Wiggle your bodies with Miss Nikki! We will put on coin belts (bring one if you have one!) and Shimmy to fun energetic music. Learn easy and fun belly dance moves. Then we will play Freeze Dance!

Mistress Nikki

Mistress Nikki is a dynamic force in the world of dance and spirituality. With nearly two decades of belly dance expertise, she brings a unique blend of sensuality and artistry to her teaching. As a certified exercise and dance instructor, she ensures that her classes are both fun... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

11:30am EST

The Dance of Cosmic Harmony
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
As we ritually move through an ancient pattern from the stars, called the Domeia Mandala, also known as the Map of the Star Maiden, we will open the Gate into another dimension and feel the rush of primordial energy as it infuses all the life around us, including our core beings. You will learn some of its history and legends down through the ages and how you can use this mandala in your personal life. Easy movements for all ability levels.
avatar for Patricia DeSandro

Patricia DeSandro

Bonadea Lyonesse (Patricia DeSandro) has served the larger Pagan community as a wisewoman, elder high priestess of Wicca, and a teacher/presenter for more than 35 years. She founded the Circle of the Sacred Grove Temple of the Old Religion, an active teaching coven, in 1999. Bonadea... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Garden Marquee

2:00pm EST

Animism & Food: Energy Sensing to Improve your Life
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
What is animism, and its significance to various Indigenous cultures? Indigenous stories will be shared as a framework for the class. While there will be discussion of Animism globally, this class will be centered around peoples from Turtle Island, also known as North America. Clarification will be given on the concept of “old” vs “new” animism. Towards the end of the class, we will practice animistic energy sensing with different foods. For the exercise, you will be asked to close your eyes (you won’t actually be eating any food). Once this energetic technique has been learned, it can be applied in various situations such as with fabrics, crystals, people, and more!
avatar for Gaybrielle Gray

Gaybrielle Gray

Gaybrielle Gray is initiated into 4 different traditions, and is most public about her initiation as a Gnostic Bishop. At a young age she started having intense experiences with entities; predictive dreams, and forming friendships with trees and rocks. She has a Bachelor’s Degree... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room C

2:00pm EST

Hellenic Household Practice: Modern Adaptations
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
The central social unit of society is the household, but we are in a time in which the oikos has a different shape and form than in Ancient Greece. This workshop explores both ancient practice and modern adaptations to build a meaningful and relevant practice for today. Learn about the deities and spirits of the household, how to build a household shrine, and how to make a kadiskos to bless the household’s wealth. Gwendolyn will also share some reinterpreted rites to bless the household and its members, including rituals to bring spiritual meaning to life transitions. Household practice brings the sacred consciously into everyday life in ways that are both profound and transformative.

Gwendolyn Reece

Dr. Gwendolyn Reece is the high priestess of Theophania, a coven in the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel based in Washington, DC.  She is the President of the Sacred Space Foundation (which runs the Sacred Space Conference) and is the author of The Waters of Mnemosyne: Ancient Greek... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room A

2:00pm EST

Mabinogi: The Best/Weirdest Book You've Never Heard Of
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
The Mabinogi, or the four main branches of the Maginogion, are the earliest written prose stories in British literature. Documented from widely popular Welsh tales of the 12th and 13th centuries, the Mabinogi represent an incredibly important milestone in western literature. But more importantly, these tales contain more action, twists, and abject nonsense than any summer blockbuster movie you've ever seen! Join in for an overview of the Mabinogion as well as some humorous retellings of the antics contained within the Mabinogi. Cymru am byth!
avatar for Scott Markwart

Scott Markwart

Scott Markwart has been practicing witchcraft for over 20 years and serves as a High Priest in the Temple of the Triple Goddess, located in Livonia, Michigan. As a lifelong academic, he spends much of his time buried in books. Scott has spent much of the past 14 years mentoring and... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room B

2:00pm EST

The Early Years: Witchcraft and Pagans from 1900-1950
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Let’s look at the turn of the twentieth century. This is arguably the most fascinating time for the development and resurgence of Modern Witchcraft and Neo-Paganism! Who were some of the key figures involved? What impact have these views, ideas, and practices had on the culture of modern Occultism today? From Crowley to Blavatsky, Gardner to Cochrane, this class seeks the foundations of our unique blend of magickal practice!
avatar for Nathan King

Nathan King

Crossed Crow Books
Nathan King is a Witch, performer, and owner of Witch-Path Magick & Occult. Nathan is a Minos (3-degree High Priest ) of The Minoan Brotherhood Tradition and an initiate of British Traditional Witchcraft. He carries the inspired currents for traditional practices with a deep passion... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

2:00pm EST

They Put a Spell on You, and Now You're (NOT) Theirs
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
We love movies, TV, books, podcasts, and social media, but are they harming us as much as they are helping us? In this class, metaphysical practitioner Rachel of the Rose and psychological operations researcher Evan Follmar join forces to teach you how these mediums (double meaning intended) help to bring through spells, curses, hexes, bindings, egregores, and spiritual attachments that we unknowingly “consent” to just by turning on our devices… and how you can protect yourself whilst still enjoying the screens and content that you love! In alignment with this year’s theme of Malkuth, this class will help you to root down into discernment, as well as rise up in connection with the Divine to help you stand in your own divine sovereignty in mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Rachel of the Rose

Rachel of the Rose is a mystic, metaphysical practitioner, Witch, and rememberer of the Old Ways. Rachel works with sound, lineage, feminine descent, and masculine "holding" to help individuals and The Collective to find sovereignty and remember their magick. She is a licensed clinical... Read More →

Evan Follmar

Evan Follmar is a musician, composer, teacher, and researcher. Evan has spent the last decade deciphering the "code" used in today's media to keep people hooked into "The System". He specialises in deconstructing predictive programming, psychological operations, and "conspiracy theories... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Conference Room E

2:00pm EST

Music for Solitary and Group Practice
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Have you wanted to bring music into your personal practice, but aren't sure how? Do you want to share music with your group, but lack the confidence? Do you already have a musical element to your practice but want to go deeper? Come join a discussion and practical workshop on spiritual musicality and how you can develop a practice that works for you or your group. Come prepared to sing, discuss, and meet new friends! Those with instruments are encouraged to bring them. No musical experience necessary!
avatar for Nora Farley

Nora Farley

Nora Farley is a singer, composer, and language teacher currently pursuing her masters in music composition at the University of Michigan. She learned song-leading in her experience as a summer camp counselor and has lately turned it towards fostering the Pagan community music tradition... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

2:00pm EST

Despacho: Dispatching Prayers Q'ero-style
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
To the Q’ero people of the high Andes, a despacho is an offering to Mother Earth filled with symbolism and prayer, a gesture of reciprocity and affection. Each mandala-style despacho is different and carries the gratitude and praise of the moment. Come send prayers and love to Pachamama / Mother Earth in our community ritual, learning a little Andean cosmology along the way. Everyone will have a chance to contribute at least one blessing or intention.
avatar for Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy is a shamanic practitioner and ritualist. She is the author of "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," having cultivated a relationship with Mary outside of the usual context of the church through animist and shamanic practice. Since 2009... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

2:00pm EST

Shamanic Ongod Ritual
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Kenn will be calling in Grandfather, the spirit who made him a shaman. Grandfather will spend some time with those present. He may answer questions, offer blessings - we never know until he is there. Please bring a spall token to represent yourself on the mesa that will be in the center of the circle.
avatar for Kenn Day

Kenn Day

Shaman, ShamansTouch - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Shamanic Healing
Kenn Day has been a full-time professional Shaman since 1989, practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lives with his wife and daughter. His work arises from the same source as traditional shamanism - the spirits - but is directed specifically at those born and raised in the West.Having... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

2:00pm EST

The Gnostic Mass
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Participate and observe the Ritual of the O.T.O's Gnostic Mass

Blue Equinox Oasis

Blue Equinox Oasis of the OTO or Ordo Templi Orientis has a long history of presenting Aleister Crowley's Gnostic Mass here at Convocation and throughout the community. It is the central ritual of the O.T.O. The Mass is a participatory ritual invoking the Higher Self, Nuit, Hadit... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

4:00pm EST

Pagan Education: Exploring Project-Based Learning (ADULTS WELCOME!)
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
For the second part of our pagan education series for families, we will explore mastery learning and a project-based education model to spark children's love for learning. Families will discover how mastery learning can be seamlessly integrated into pagan education and experience hands-on activities that combine literature, core subjects, and interactive projects. Through experiential learning and creative expression, children will deepen their understanding of pagan traditions while developing critical thinking skills.

avatar for Victoria Sinclair

Victoria Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
 Victoria Sinclair, who holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, Canada, is the visionary owner of Equinox Learning Hub. She draws upon her extensive background as an educator in the public education system and her firsthand experience as a Pagan homeschooling... Read More →
avatar for Christine Black

Christine Black

Equinox Learning Hub
Christine Black is a passionate educator with a Master's degree in teaching and extensive experience in STEM and project-based learning. As the point of contact for Equinox Learning Hub, Christine handles communications and operations for families in the United States and Canada... Read More →

Erik Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

4:00pm EST

As Above, So Below: Fundamentals of Natal Astrology
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Understanding what a particular planet or house is signifying in a birth chart is basic to knowing and using the practical wisdom that astrology has to offer. Through this lecture, we will go over the fundamentals of astrological delineation (the what, where, why, and when of astrology): what the planets, signs, and house topics are, and then learn how to apply traditional methods to know what on earth is going on in one’s life and see what else is happening in the world surrounding it. This will enable you to get a foothold on traditional astrological practices and give you a valuable tool to navigating life.

Gabe Rosas

A student of traditional astrologies for over 20 years, Gabe Rosas started with Robert Zoller's medieval astrology course. He then later on as a pupil of Robert Schmidt at Project Hindsight. His practice of Hellenistic era astrology seeks to bring the wisdom and worldview of antiquity... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room E

4:00pm EST

Crossed Crow Books Publisher Panel
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Are you a writer? Do you have an idea for the next greatest book on witchcraft, paganism, or the occult? Then pop by the Crossed Crow Books Publisher's Panel and pitch your book to us! You'll have five minutes to pitch your idea to our team for the potential of a publishing contract!
avatar for Blake Malliway

Blake Malliway

Crossed Crow Books
See crossedcrowbooks.com

Gianluca Pelagetti

Crossed Crow Books

Lee Anderson

Crossed Crow Books
See crossedcrowbooks.com
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

4:00pm EST

Herbs, Resins, And Tarot
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
We will look at ways to utilize herbs and resins into your tarot readings to energize them. We will look at the best herbs and resins for each card in the major arcana and each suit in the minor arcana. We will also discuss what herbs and resins can be used to cleanse tarot decks.

Rev. Sharon Ross

Rev. Sharon Ross is a long time ecclectic witch, rootworker, and metaphysician. She earned her Bachelor Degree from the University Of Metaphysics in Metaphysical Science.  She is currently pursuing a Master Degree in Metaphysical Science from the University Of Metaphysics. She is... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

4:00pm EST

How to Read Tarot Without Memorization
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Memorizing the meanings of 78 tarot cards is a lot. Adding reversals can feel overwhelming! But don't worry—you can start reading right away without memorizing anything. This interactive workshop will teach you a few simple techniques to help you read with ease, without having to look up the meanings.
avatar for Joe Monteleone

Joe Monteleone

Tarot Mysticism Academy
Joe Monteleone, described by the Huffington Post as a "one-man-band of magical-thinking-made reality," is a Tarot master teacher, coach, YouTuber, modern mystic, and best-selling author of Tarot Mysticism: The Psycho-Spiritual Technology of the Thoth Tarot. With over 20 years of experience... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room C

4:00pm EST

Raymond Buckland: International Man of Mystery
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Known for classics such as “The Big Blue Book” and “Practical Candeburning Rituals,” Raymond Buckland was one of the most read Witches of the past 100 years. But what do you really know about Raymond Buckland? Go behind the scenes of Buckland’s legendary career and find out just how much of an impact Ray had on Modern Witchcraft.
avatar for Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey

Jason Mankey has been coming to ConVocation for over twenty-five years and eventually became a prolific Witchcraft author (ten books and counting!). A former resident of Lansing Michigan, today Jason resides in California’s Silicon Valley with his wife Ari. For fun Jason enjoys... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

4:00pm EST

Sefer HaOtot - Midwifing the Book of Seals
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Sefer HaOtot ("Book of Seals") is a never-before-translated, never-before-published Hebrew manuscript of Solomonic seals which may be among the most complete and intact transmissions of the famed planetary pentacles. In this lecture, you'll learn about the manuscript and its history. Then, we'll talk about the process of translating and midwifing a new grimoire into the world. Finally, you'll get to see one seal from the book. Some familiarity with Solomonic magic is useful, but not required. This will be a bookish class - if you're not a nerd you probably won't enjoy it.
avatar for Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros

Sara Mastros, author of Orphic Hymns Grimoire, The Big Book of Magical Incense, and The Sorcery of Solomon: A Guide to the 44 Pentacles of the Magician King, is Pittsburgh's leading Witch for Hire. She teaches Tarot, Witchcraft, Greek and Near Eastern mythology, Pan-Levantine folk... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

4:00pm EST

Standing at the Threshold
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Standing at the Threshold: The Spirits, Lore, and Transformational Magics of the Doorway
Many who have an inclination towards magic may not have a room or dedicated space set aside for performing spellwork and ritual workings. However, most of us have a front door, and it is here that we are invited to engage with and perhaps re-enchant a part of our homes which is often taken for granted except when we find ourselves locked out or fumbling with our keys. In this talk we will explore the front doorway of our home as a locus for spirit work, practical charming, and magical workings. We will examine diverse perspectives, folklore, and approaches towards engaging with our doorway as a nexus of power and potentiality.
avatar for Matthew Venus

Matthew Venus

Teacher, Author, Apothecary, Diviner, Spiritus Arcanum
Matthew Venus is a traditional witch, artist, and folk magician based in Salem, Massachusetts, whose craft is centered around a deep heart of animism and a dedication to ancestral and land-based traditions. Over the past two decades, Matthew has been sharing his teachings with students... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Conference Room A

4:00pm EST

Magic Without Tools: The Ties That Bind
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Learn about energetic links we create between people, places and things. In this class author Sean Wilde explores links, cords and other ties that bind us together. Ethics of cord cutting will be discussed, and methods of removing links temporarily and permanently.

* Learn how to sense energetic links
* Learn how to protect yourself from energetic links
* Learn how to block energetic links
* Learn how to remove energetic links

Suitable for any level of practitioner, you will never look at links the same way again!
avatar for Sean Wilde

Sean Wilde

Sassy Magick
Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He holds degrees in multiple traditions and is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. Residing in New Orleans, he co-owns Sassy Magick, Noir and Boutique, metaphysical... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

6:00pm EST

50 Years of the Covenant of the Goddess: the Road Ahead
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Panel: Since its founding at Samhain in 1975, the Covenant of the Goddess (CoG) has worked to advance the rights and recognition of Witches and Wiccans across the U.S. and internationally. This panel brings together members of CoG to reflect on the key challenges and accomplishments they've achieved over the past 50 years, working across traditions in areas like interfaith dialogue, prison ministry, and the legal recognition of clergy. What lies ahead for the Covenant of the Goddess? What challenges will national organizations face as they continue to bring Witchy and Wiccan clergy together in an ever-changing world? Join CoG clergy for a lively, reflective, and insightful discussion on the pressing issues confronting our community.

avatar for Rayna Templebee

Rayna Templebee

Rev. Rayna Templebee was initiated as a Witch in 1983, in the Georgian Tradition of British Traditional Witchcraft and is a Skydancer Priestess within Mt Shasta Goddess Temple.  Rayna is a daughter of the Ocean Mother and an aboricha in a Lucumi house under the protection of Ochun... Read More →

Pat Camarena-Rose Barbary

Pat is co-owner of Artes and Craft in Hartford, MI. She is HPS of MoonFire Coven begun in 1986 in Cambridge, MA and later resurrected in Coloma, MI.  As a Mexican American,  she has explored many alternative sects of Witchcraft and Paganism. As an Alexandrian and OTO member, she... Read More →
avatar for Macha NightMare

Macha NightMare

Witch at Large, Cherry Hill Seminary
M. Macha NightMare (Aline O'Brien), is an internationally published author, ritualist, and interfaith activist. A member of the American Academy of Religion, Marin Interfaith Council, the Nature Religion Scholars Network, and other professional organizations, she has been active in... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Auditorium 1 (Lecture Hall)

6:00pm EST

Queer Rite of Personal Sovereignty and Blessing
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Understanding our identity, the core of our sense of self, is one of the most intimate and sacred experiences of our existence on this plane. In this ritual, we all step forward to claim our personal sovereignty. Those who have recently stepped into their own personal power by claiming their true gender, name, sexuality, pronouns, etc. will be invited to have their identity affirmed and hailed by those present and, if desired, be blessed.
avatar for Ivo Dominguez

Ivo Dominguez

Ivo Dominguez, Jr. has been a witch since 1978 and is one of the founders and Elders of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel. He is the anchor author for the new twelve book Witch’s Sun Sign Series. Ivo is the author of The Four Elements of the Wise, Keys to Perception, Casting Sacred... Read More →
avatar for Enfys Book

Enfys Book

Author, Major Arqueerna
Enfys J. Book (they/them) is the author of the Gold COVR award-winning Queer Qabala, co-author (with Ivo Dominguez, Jr.) of Sagittarius Witch, and author of the forthcoming Queer Rites: A Magickal Grimoire to Honor Your Milestones with Pride (Llewellyn, 2025). They are the High Priest... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

6:00pm EST

Runic Dance Ritual
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Using the Runes presented in the workshop, we gather to honor the divine within ourselves. Ritual will be done as a combination of choreographed movement and a Sumbel (and oath, a toast, and a boast) and you can participate as much as you wish. Guidance will be provided prior to the ritual.

Fehu: the wealth we gain through hard work from our own hands and heart. Algiz, The willingness to tap into that self-motivation and magick to see through our goals. Othel-In times of need were we call on ancestors for additional guidance.
avatar for Erin Hagen

Erin Hagen

Erin Hagen is a life-long student and lover of dance. She has been trained in ballet, Fat Chance Bellydance Style (FCBD Style), and Fly Fusion belly dance. She takes her love for dance to create stories, ritual, and community.Her spiritual practice has changed and evolved into a Nordic... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:00pm EST

An Cross-Quarter Ritual to Brighid and Lugh
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
This ritual with incorporate devotions and offerings to Brighid and Lugh, with elements of Imbolc in the Northern Hemisphere and Lughnasadh in the Southern Hemisphere. The ritual will follow ADF's Core Order of Ritual and include elements from OBOD and RDNA.

A pre-ritual briefing will introduce the Core Order to those who are unfamiliar with it and all festival attendees are welcome to attend. The ritual will focus on the fires of Imbolc and the harvest fires of Lughnasadh.

A further discussion of Brighid and Lugh will accompany the ritual.

Jean (Drum) Pagano

Jean (Drum) Pagano is a Druid. He has been a pagan since the 1970s and has been involved with RDNA, NRDNA, OBOD, and ADF. He is a Dedicant, Initiate, Senior Priest, and Archdruid of ADF. He is a Druid Grade member of OBOD, and a Priest in RDNA.Jean is the author or co-author of eight... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:00pm - 10:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

9:00pm EST

Socializing and Brawling through the encounters of DnD
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST
in this session we will go through a short custom made adventure using character's made in "DnD character building and dungeon delving!", one you brought on your own, or grabbing one we prepared ahead of time, there will be puzzles, social situations, and combat encounters!

Thomas Bonser

Thomas Bonser is a D&D enthusiast with 7 years of play experience and several of those as DM. He delves into character creation and development with enthusiasm. Always happy to help a person cultivate their characters with all of the different nuances that the game has to offer. In... Read More →

Xander McDevitt

Xander McDevitt is a storyteller at heart and he uses this to create elaborate worlds for players to immerse themselves in. He started out playing D&D at a young age and spent the next 7 years creating and fine tuning stories and adventures throughout many different genres of pla... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:00pm - 11:00pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

11:00pm EST

Forge the Shield Wall: A Community Warrior's Oath
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:00pm - Sunday February 23, 2025 12:30am EST
Join the Weavers of the Web as we forge a community shield wall, a symbol of our collective strength and commitment to one another. Participants will step forward to take their own personal warrior's oath, pledging to do what they can to protect the innocent and vulnerable, and to actively contribute to the growth and resilience of our community. As each warrior joins the shield wall, we will ensure that no one stands alone in the face of adversity, all of us empowered to be the guardians and builders of our community, united in purpose and action.
avatar for Castle Silverstar

Castle Silverstar

Castle Silverstar is a 1st Degree priest of the WISE tradition under the guidance of Lord Solinox Silverstar.
avatar for Alfred Silverstar

Alfred Silverstar

Alfred Silverstar is a Weavers of the Web member residing in Madison Heights Michigan and a first-degree Priest of the WISE tradition under Lord Solinox Silverstar's supervision. In the past, Alfred served for over a decade as an Emergency Manager with the Michigan Air National Guard... Read More →
avatar for Ashnidae Silverstar

Ashnidae Silverstar

Ashnidae Silverstar is a 1st Degree Priestess in the WISE tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar and is a fourth-year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. She has been active with Weavers of the Web in Lansing, Michigan since 2018. Ashnidae has a passion... Read More →

Malakai Silverstar

Malakai Silverstar is a Dedicant of the WISE Tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar, and a third year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. He has been attending Weavers of the Web since 2022. He has Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder but... Read More →
avatar for Rev. Ella Silverstar

Rev. Ella Silverstar

Rev. Ella Silverstar (she/her) is a 2nd Degree High Priestess of the WISE Tradition of Wicca, under the guidance of Lord Solinox Silverstar of Weavers of the Web, ATC. She is the Secretary on the Weavers of the Web board and the coven Tech Witch. Ella volunteers as the IT Director... Read More →

Weavers of the Web

Weavers of the Web, ATC, is a public Wiccan church in the WISE tradition. Founded in 2018 by Lord Solinox Silverstar, Weavers aims to provide safe space for worship and practice for all pagans in the mid-Michigan area, ensuring that no-one need ever be alone in their spiritual needs... Read More →
avatar for Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar is a graduate of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary and a First Degree Priestess of the WISE tradition under Lord Solinox Silverstar. She is a member of Weavers of the Web, ATC. Professionally, she is a small animal veterinarian in Lansing, MI.
avatar for Lord Solinox Silverstar

Lord Solinox Silverstar

High Priestx, Weavers of the Web, ATC
Lord Solinox Silverstar is a 3rd-degree High Priestx in the WISE-ATC tradition of Wicca with a BM in Wiccan Ministry from Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. Originally from Texas, Solinox has lived in Michigan for more than two decades, and has dedicated their life to building... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:00pm - Sunday February 23, 2025 12:30am EST
First Floor Salon 3
Sunday, February 23

11:00am EST

Can I really be a witch if I'm also a skeptic?
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
In exploring non-theistic Pagan practices, I have gained profound insights into how spirituality can be deeply meaningful without relying on traditional theistic frameworks. In this class I share my personal evolution which includes ways in which the non-theistic Pagan engages with the natural world, cycles of the Earth, and personal rituals to cultivate a sense of connection and purpose. These practices emphasize experimental and symbolic aspects of spirituality, focusing on the here and now. The diverse approaches within non-theistic Paganism, from secular humanism to nature-based philosophies, reveal a rich tapestry of practices that honor the sacredness of life and the universe. Come explore how one humble skeptic has learned to make meaning in her life. Resources will be shared.
avatar for GossAmara


GossAmara, also known by the mundane name Stephenie, earned her Bachelor of Science Education from Madonna University in 1996, a Master of Science Education from Lawrence Technological University in 2002, and a Master of Early Childhood Education from Oakland University in 2011.  She... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 1

11:00am EST

Tarot and the Tree of Life
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
The tarot is often used for divination, but it can also serve as a map of enlightenment. This workshop will explore the tarot within the mystical context of the Hermetic Qabalah. The lecture will journey through the Tree of Life and its 32 paths, drawing connections to other Western and Eastern mystical traditions. Practical exercises will allow the class to directly experience some of these elusive mysteries.
avatar for Joe Monteleone

Joe Monteleone

Tarot Mysticism Academy
Joe Monteleone, described by the Huffington Post as a "one-man-band of magical-thinking-made reality," is a Tarot master teacher, coach, YouTuber, modern mystic, and best-selling author of Tarot Mysticism: The Psycho-Spiritual Technology of the Thoth Tarot. With over 20 years of experience... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Conference Room E

11:00am EST

The Rosy Cross Through the Ages
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
How did a manifesto about a nonexistent secret society enthrall 17th century Europe and give birth to one of the major currents of Western esotericism? This workshop will explore the history of Rosicrucianism from its origins in radical Protestantism to its role in shaping the contemporary Pagan revival. Along the way, we will see how numerous groups, including the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian Order Crotona Fellowship, were inspired by the Rosicrucian legend to forge new pathways to wisdom and the divine.

Evan Lirensis

Evan is a British Traditional Witch who has been studying and practicing the occult for over two decades. He is especially interested in the history of Wicca and western esotericism, comparative religion, and Biblical studies. Evan earned his BA from Wheaton College (IL) and his MBA... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Conference Room G

11:00am EST

The contagious magic of self love and daily affirmation
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
If you are anything like me, you entered this path carrying guilt, shame and trauma from your past. This workshop will explore how we overcome our past trauma and move forward as magical beings. Our heart chakra can become blocked by feelings of unworthiness and self deprecation, but in this class we will raise the energy needed to open our heart to self love. Then we will learn how to pass it on so others can choose self love as well. In the words of the priestess Ru Paul, if you can't love yourself how in the hell are you going to love somebody else.

Malakai Silverstar

Malakai Silverstar is a Dedicant of the WISE Tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar, and a third year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. He has been attending Weavers of the Web since 2022. He has Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder but... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

11:00am EST

Open Channel
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
An Open Channel - How Actor Warm-ups Improve Your Readings & Ritual

A great way to start the day - release the spine, free your voice, open up awareness that support clear readings. These practices are also, a great way to finish your day, shake off energies that are not yours, and come back to you.

I have been teaching and using these warm-ups for decades. They are an amalgamation of yoga, Linklater, Reclaiming Witchcraft, and Dell'Arte warm-ups. As the spine is the fiery center of ourselves, knowing how to open up - and close down - are a powerful magical tool you carry with you. Always.

Being "embodied" is quite the catch phrase these days. This is one way to get there.
avatar for Kate (or Neowise)

Kate (or Neowise)

Founder, Group Tarot
"For years Kate Mura has been one of the most multifaceted theatre artists in Portland. Her extensive skill set includes actor, deviser, writer, director, puppeteer, mask-maker, dancer, mover, carpenter, ground rigger and union stage hand. Oh yes, and Tarot card reader.” — Bobby... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

11:00am EST

Embodying Imperfection: Nurturing Haunted Ruins
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Does your Bodily Temple feel more like crumbling, desolate, haunted ruins? All temples deserve to be nurtured with loving kindness. Allow this accessible movement practice to serve in dusting off the cobwebs and infusing your space with light. We will remain seated in our chairs or mobility devices as we move through guided meditation, gentle movement, and close with a sound bath to rejuvenate Body, Mind, and Spirit.
avatar for Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone earned her Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts with a certificate in Health Care Foundations from Washtenaw Community College in 2009 at the tender age of 17. Unsatisfied with the chasm in allopathic medicine between pharmaceutical or surgical intervention and the maintenance... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

11:00am EST

Heathen Mouth Magic: Singing with Runes and Spirits
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Magic in modern Heathenry takes a variety of forms, perhaps none more accessible than the ones that use our mouths and voices. Galdr, ljóð, kvæði, gerningar, varðlokkur, and frœði: songs, chants, incantations, poems, alliteration, and mumbling, which are just a few forms Heathen Mouth Magic can take. Through these magical acts we can engage in spiritual hygiene, call vættir (spirits), work with the Runes, perform enchantment, make protections, and empower ourselves and others. This workshop is interactive, taking you through an overview of what remains to us through written sources, and how to apply it to make your own magic.
avatar for Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson

Sarenth Óðinsson is a Heathen spiritworker, erilaz, goði, and Priest of Odin and Anubis. He compiled and edited the devotional anthology Calling to Our Ancestors released by Asphodel Press and has contributed to several devotional books by Bibliotheca Alexandria. He has written... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

1:00pm EST

Pagan Education: Edu-Gaming for Tweens and Teens
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
For the final class in our series on pagan education for families, explore game-based learning and STEM for middle and high school students. Discover how these tools can enhance education and engage students in pagan traditions. An interactive session to empower families to create an exciting learning environment for their older children!
avatar for Victoria Sinclair

Victoria Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
 Victoria Sinclair, who holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta, Canada, is the visionary owner of Equinox Learning Hub. She draws upon her extensive background as an educator in the public education system and her firsthand experience as a Pagan homeschooling... Read More →
avatar for Christine Black

Christine Black

Equinox Learning Hub
Christine Black is a passionate educator with a Master's degree in teaching and extensive experience in STEM and project-based learning. As the point of contact for Equinox Learning Hub, Christine handles communications and operations for families in the United States and Canada... Read More →

Erik Sinclair

Equinox Learning Hub
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room E

1:00pm EST

Ancestral Lineage Healing
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Not all of the departed are equally well, but the healing and transformation possible for living humans are no less available for the dead. In this short introduction to Ancestral Lineage Healing (as developed by Dr. Daniel Foor of Ancestral Medicine), learn how and why to connect with your wise ancestors and embody their gifts in your life and work.
- understand how the unhealed dead may be impacting you or living family-- and why ritual safety is essential
- see how both the epigenetic wounds and the beautiful medicine of your people can be explored
- consider the social justice possibilities of this practice
- engage in a short ritual to sample Ancestral Lineage Healing
avatar for Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy

Mikki Baloy is a shamanic practitioner and ritualist. She is the author of "Conversations with Mother Mary: Loving Wisdom from Her Life to Yours," having cultivated a relationship with Mary outside of the usual context of the church through animist and shamanic practice. Since 2009... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room C

1:00pm EST

Shake your money tree - deep dive into prosperity magic
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Tired of using prosperity magic as a quick fix for today’s problems? In this class, Jacki will talk about obstacles, opportunities and fueling lasting abundance. You’ll learn to harness the magic of choice, directing your energy with purpose to manifest the life you've always dreamed of. Whether you’re a seasoned witch or just beginning your magical journey, this class will empower you to shake your money tree and watch your blessings grow beyond what you ever imagined!
avatar for Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith

Jacki Smith is the multi-talented founder of Coventry Creations, an internationally known, rapidly growing candle factory in Ferndale, MI as well as a co-owner of the magically quaint Candle Wick Shoppe.  Jacki didn’t just start a candle company, she jump started an entire industry... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room B

1:00pm EST

The Shaman as Psychopomp
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Death is a complex subject, not the least because we don’t really have reliable sources to draw on. This workshop will offer the perspectives of Post-Tribal Shamanism from Grandfather Shespa’s teachings. This will address the nature of the souls, what happens to us after the death of the body and ways in which the shaman can be of service, both to the dying as well as those who remain.
avatar for Kenn Day

Kenn Day

Shaman, ShamansTouch - Traditional Chinese Medicine & Shamanic Healing
Kenn Day has been a full-time professional Shaman since 1989, practicing in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he lives with his wife and daughter. His work arises from the same source as traditional shamanism - the spirits - but is directed specifically at those born and raised in the West.Having... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room F

1:00pm EST

The Transformative Snake throughout human cultures
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
There are very few animals that tap into our subconscious like the fascinating yet terrifying snake. The snake is seen in many cultures’ pivotal stories, ranging from the evil Christian serpent to the healing familiars of Asclepius. We will discuss how snakes are represented in some of these stories and how that representation changes based on one’s perspective.
avatar for Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar

Mattielee Silverstar is a graduate of Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary and a First Degree Priestess of the WISE tradition under Lord Solinox Silverstar. She is a member of Weavers of the Web, ATC. Professionally, she is a small animal veterinarian in Lansing, MI.
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 1

1:00pm EST

The Vital Role of Tricksters in Cosmic Evolution
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Trickster deities are often misunderstood and maligned in Western culture. The title we have given them, "trickster," implies deceit and untrustworthiness. But in the scholarly study of mythology, tricksters often use deception and cunning to support the weak in their battles against the strong. Tricksters also use these methods to teach lessons that we would not learn except through personal experience, and to hold space to consider the profane sacred. Come and discuss your personal experiences with tricksters, and learn more about why they are essential to cosmic and cultural evolution and justice.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

1:00pm EST

Contemporary Music Meditation (Instruments optional)
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Why are Sad songs Sad? What song makes you happy? Meditation can unlock many doors within our mind. One of those doors is the realm of Emotion – pure and unfiltered. Through the chording, beats, and language used in song, we are able to bring forth FEELING that we might no otherwise experience. Through a selected list of different songs, many from the 70’s 80’s, and 90’s, let us explore the music and see what kind of focus it can bring to your world. Sound is color for the blind as a Picture is the Sound of silence. Bring an instrument, drum, or a voice to come join in a journey of Meditation in a new way. (I will provide lyrics for the singers).
avatar for AVATAR


Co-Founder, Lil' Country Haven
Joel “Avatar” Bukowski is frequent panelist at various conventions around Michigan, speaking on such topics as Self-Defense, Strange Reality, the difference between Faith and Belief, various other Philosophical and Esoteric Topics. He firmly believes that there is much more to... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
First Floor Salon 3

1:00pm EST

Kids' Drumming
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Drumming for children & teens. Learn a few basic beats, drum etiquette, and then cut loose. Some percussion instruments will be provided. Parents and guardians are encouraged to participate.
avatar for A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag

A.C. Fisher Aldag has been practicing the folk magick of the British Isles for over 40 years. She/they has presented workshops, rituals and folkplays throughout the midwest and online. A.C. is the author of "Common Magick" available from Llewellyn Worldwide. She/they enjoys homesteading... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room H (Children's)

1:00pm EST

Tangible Telepathy: A Play-Shop
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Telepathy can be trained. With effective frameworks and the right mindsets we can receive surprisingly detailed information intentionally. This Play-Shop will start with a few minutes to introduce powerful concepts before we do an exercise to play with them for a bit. This process will repeat, building into more and more incredibly accurate and specific psychic conversations. Please only attend if open to forming a stronger sense of self, personal boundaries, consent awareness, and intimidatingly close relationships.
avatar for Scott Reimers

Scott Reimers

Scott Reimers (Awo Fagbemiro) is the founder of the Dragon Magick Tradition (a non-religious modern western magickal tradition).  He initiated into Ifa in 2013 and maintained regular practice with communities since.  Scott recently retired after 14 years as High Priest of the Temple... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Auditorium 2

1:00pm EST

Spiritual Cleansing: Personalizing Your Practice
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Do you feel the potential energy in spiritual cleansing & purification? Perhaps you’ve dabbled in purification practices and want to go deeper. Perhaps you’ve never engaged in cleansing because you don’t know how or have avoided it because you don’t want to stray into cultural appropriation. Maybe you have a dedicated practice already and would like to cultivate a more specific practice personalized to evolving needs. All are welcome to this exploration of cleansing. We’ll discuss how to cleanse in a way that is authentic to you, how purification helps us reclaim our sovereignty, why folx of different genders may experience different needs, and how to approach purification without cultural appropriation. We'll co-create a cleansing ritual to help us embody and integrate through experience.
avatar for Kallie England

Kallie England

Soul Tender, Tree Song Soul Tending
Kallie England, LMSW, is an Adventure Therapist, Transformational Facilitator, Yoga Teacher, University Instructor, Psychedelic Expert, Occasionally Successful Gardener, Temple Tender, & Devoted Seeker of the Divine who has been hosting transformational events since 2015. She is passionate... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Garden Marquee

1:00pm EST

Nom nom nom! Magic Without Tools: Sineating
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Brought back into the world in September, 2022, join the only public, verified, traditional sineater in the world, author Sean Wilde as he discusses the known and speculative history of sineating. Don't be fooled by the term, and discover why sineating as a magic is so important in our community.

*Learn the history of sineating
*Learn the magical mechanics of the sineating ritual
*Witness Sean Wilde perform the sineating ritual

In this lecture and ritual, Sean Wilde will demonstrate and perform the sineating ritual on one of the attendees. Witness this rare ritual, performed only a handful of times for the public.
avatar for Sean Wilde

Sean Wilde

Sassy Magick
Bishop Sean Wilde UE, the author of Magic Without Tools, is a member of the Aurum Solis. He holds degrees in multiple traditions and is the only publicly verified traditional sin eater in the world. Residing in New Orleans, he co-owns Sassy Magick, Noir and Boutique, metaphysical... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Conference Room D

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