Venue: Elizabeth Ann 2 clear filter
Thursday, February 20

8:30pm EST

Psychotherapy and the Gods
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
How do the gods, ancestors, and other-than-human guides show up in the psychotherapy process? How can I bring my gods and guides into my own personal psychotherapy process (even if my therapist is not pagan)? This workshop will address these questions, and more, at the crossroads where archetypal psychology, animism, and paganism meet, in a place where deep soul-revelation, soul-healing, and soul-magic occurs. Though there will be a particular emphasis on the Trickster (in all forms), Psyche, Hecate, Odin, and the Fates, you are encouraged to bring your own Beloved(s) into our contemplation and discussion.
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 8:30pm - 10:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

10:30pm EST

The Not So Great Work
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Although most of us would would love to participate in the grand inner Alchemy that is transforming the lead of our lesser selves into the gold of our highest self, many of us do not have the time or spoons to enact complex rituals along a rigid schedule. Whether you experience cognitive differences or simply the multifaceted demands of a busy modern life, you might find your personal process The Not So Great Work. Not to worry, nature makes beauty in all colors, shapes and sizes. We will discuss ways to make your craft meet you where you are and support your ever unfolding process of growth, without the demands of Greatness. We will simplify the art of creating effective rituals you'll actually perform, not just pin for later.
avatar for Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone earned her Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts with a certificate in Health Care Foundations from Washtenaw Community College in 2009 at the tender age of 17. Unsatisfied with the chasm in allopathic medicine between pharmaceutical or surgical intervention and the maintenance... Read More →
Thursday February 20, 2025 10:30pm - Friday February 21, 2025 12:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2
Friday, February 21

9:30am EST

Herbal Allies Invoking the Power of Herbs
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
From creating amulets to making offerings on an altar, Herbal Magic invites love, health, protection and abundance into your life. Our herbal allies can bring rich and nuanced motion into our spells - or stop action all together!! You will follow the anatomy of a spell and how to incorporate herbs. Once you’ve learned how to create your spells, we’ll take a closer look at several easily accessible herbs to get you started.
avatar for Heather Hall

Heather Hall

Heather Hall is your Herbalist. She started learning about herbs from her midwife and was fascinated. As her herbal practice has grown, she’s continued her learning through workshops and courses provided by experts in this field. She’s also a member of an organoleptics group where... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

11:30am EST

Flower Spells for Teens and Tweens
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Plants have power. They sing, and hum, and thrum with magical energy and life. When you pass across a field of them, they know you by your steps. They can uplift with there mere presence. Let's learn some simple spells with common flowers.
avatar for Kenya T. Coviak

Kenya T. Coviak

Kenya T Coviak is a Magical Teacher, writer, and creatrix of Detroit Conjure and Folk Magic Festival, the Minaudière de Sorcière Spell Deck Collection, and the My Magical Cottagecore Life podcast. Teaching engagements include ConVocation, Michigan Pagan Fest, Pagan Pride Day Detroit... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

2:00pm EST

Pagan Community, Pagan Culture
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
We joke about organizing Pagans being much like herding cats. Sometimes that’s good, sometimes not so much. In this workshop we’ll explore what culture and community really are, what Pagan culture and Pagan community look like, and ways we might change both culture and community to be better for us all.
avatar for Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan
Janet Callahan is an Indigenous Pagan author, Reiki Master, and community builder living in Michigan with her family. Janet currently produces shows for Spiral Moon TV and Pagan Public Radio and writes for Semaphore News. She organizes many projects through Spiral Moon Family Circle... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

4:00pm EST

Psychological Magic: Psychotherapy as Healing-Magic
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
In this talk we will explore the practice and process of psychotherapy—or perhaps more aptly named, psychetherapy (i.e., soul-therapy)—through an historical, magical, archetypal, and mystical lens. What are the elements of psychetherapy that make it such a powerful type of healing-magic and soul-magic--for the client? How can psychetherapy be engaged in ways that bring holistic healing to all domains? Does your therapist need to be a Pagan or Heathen for therapy to be magic? Join me—a licensed psychetherapist and Pagan—to explore these questions, and more.
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

7:00pm EST

Calling in Archetypes: Manifestation with Tarot
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
The 78 faces of the pictorial Tarot can be used for far more than divining answers to questions of past, present, and future. Here we will discuss employing the archetypes encoded in your Tarot cards as allies in your personal process work. We will cover themes often employed in spellwork and which cards might make for good friends to call upon for anything you intend to manifest into your physical reality. Whether you are creating more confidence, love, joy, or attempting to remove financial blocks, discover how you can call upon Tarot as a powerful energy to support your practice.
avatar for Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone

Andrea Anzalone earned her Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts with a certificate in Health Care Foundations from Washtenaw Community College in 2009 at the tender age of 17. Unsatisfied with the chasm in allopathic medicine between pharmaceutical or surgical intervention and the maintenance... Read More →
Friday February 21, 2025 7:00pm - 8:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2
Saturday, February 22

9:30am EST

What the Smudge
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
“Smudge” in modern terms is often used to refer to the use of herbs (most often white sage) to cleanse an area or an object of negative energies and/or entities. There’s some issues though - questions of endangered plants, cultural appropriation, and questions of efficacy. In this workshop we’ll spend a short big of time touching on cultural appropriation and endangered plants, and spend most of the time talking about what other herbs you might use for various situations, where to find them, and why it’s not a one-size-fits-all sort of process.
avatar for Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan

Janet Callahan
Janet Callahan is an Indigenous Pagan author, Reiki Master, and community builder living in Michigan with her family. Janet currently produces shows for Spiral Moon TV and Pagan Public Radio and writes for Semaphore News. She organizes many projects through Spiral Moon Family Circle... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 9:30am - 11:00am EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

11:30am EST

The Well, the Tree, and the Three
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
At the heart of Germanic/Norse/Anglo-Saxon cosmology exists a sacred tableau comprised of the Well of Wyrd, Yggdrasil, and the Nornir. Simultaneously near as near can be and far as far can be, each facet of this sacred trinity contains its own deep mysteries, wild medicine and guidance. In this contemplative, collaborative, and experiential workshop, we will explore the mystery teachings and healing-magic contained within the Well, the Tree, and the Three. What can we learn from them? What can we learn from their relationship to each other? And what practical guidance do they have to offer us about how to live our lives?
avatar for Ash McKernan

Ash McKernan

Matthew Ash McKernan is a licensed psychotherapist (MFT), ecotherapist, bard, life-long explorer of wyrd, and author of the book: Wyrdcraft: Healing Self and Nature Through the Mysteries of the Fates (Llewellyn). Ash loves to spend time at the crossroads where psyche, nature, magic... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 11:30am - 1:00pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

2:00pm EST

Cemetery Witchcraft
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
the Cemetary is a place between the worlds. This is a place where the dead roam and the energies are powerful. The spirits of the dead can help us with powerful magick, but sometimes the dead can be tricky. The spirits can confuse us and even drain us of our life force. Learn how to navigate the cemetery in order to connect with the dead in a way that is both powerful and healing for both us and the spirits. Cemetery witchcraft takes us to a mysterious realm so that we may make allies with the dead for magick, healing, and transformation.
avatar for Chris Allaun

Chris Allaun

Chris Allaun has been studying and practicing paganism and witchcraft for over 30 years. He is an ordained minister with the Queer pagan tradition The Fellowship of the Phoenix. He is also an initiate of Traditional Witchcraft and the OTO. Chris received his Master of Divinity at... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

4:00pm EST

Finding Your Magical Personality: for Younger People
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
So many people live in this big lava rock, covered in water and green. And every one of them has the power of choice in how they react and interact with the world, mundane and magical. But each of us has leanings toward things we like more than others. Maybe you vibe with fire. You may love water and air. It really depends on your own spirit and the traditions you embrace. Let's cover some simple things you can observe in yourself to help you find where you may choose to develop your skills.
avatar for Kenya T. Coviak

Kenya T. Coviak

Kenya T Coviak is a Magical Teacher, writer, and creatrix of Detroit Conjure and Folk Magic Festival, the Minaudière de Sorcière Spell Deck Collection, and the My Magical Cottagecore Life podcast. Teaching engagements include ConVocation, Michigan Pagan Fest, Pagan Pride Day Detroit... Read More →
Saturday February 22, 2025 4:00pm - 5:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

6:00pm EST

How Do You Define Diversity?
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
What does diversity mean to you? How does it influence your spiritual journey and community? In this interactive workshop, we’ll explore these questions and dive into how our unique identities and practices create a vibrant, interconnected spiritual world.
Through open discussions, guided activities, introspection, and reflection on how diversity shapes personal and collective growth. Whether you’re new to these conversations or deeply invested in the practice of inclusion, we’ll work together to:
Explore the beauty of our individual and collective contributions.
Learn strategies to embrace diversity as an essential element of spiritual wholeness.
Build stronger, more connected, and inclusive communities.
Come with an open mind and heart, and leave with inspiration, practical tools, and a deeper appreciation for the role diversity plays in your life and spiritual practice.
Key Themes:
The meaning of diversity in eclectic spiritual communities.
Coping with and embracing change in the face of societal challenges
Building resilience, hope, and connection through diversity.
What to Expect:
A safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment.
Thought-provoking discussions and opportunities for self-reflection.
Practical strategies for creating positive change in your community and spiritual journey.
Let’s co-create a world where diversity isn’t just valued—it’s celebrated!
Saturday February 22, 2025 6:00pm - 7:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2
Sunday, February 23

11:00am EST

The contagious magic of self love and daily affirmation
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
If you are anything like me, you entered this path carrying guilt, shame and trauma from your past. This workshop will explore how we overcome our past trauma and move forward as magical beings. Our heart chakra can become blocked by feelings of unworthiness and self deprecation, but in this class we will raise the energy needed to open our heart to self love. Then we will learn how to pass it on so others can choose self love as well. In the words of the priestess Ru Paul, if you can't love yourself how in the hell are you going to love somebody else.

Malakai Silverstar

Malakai Silverstar is a Dedicant of the WISE Tradition under the supervision of Lord Solinox Silverstar, and a third year student at Woolston-Steen Theological Seminary. He has been attending Weavers of the Web since 2022. He has Autism, Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder but... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

1:00pm EST

The Vital Role of Tricksters in Cosmic Evolution
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Trickster deities are often misunderstood and maligned in Western culture. The title we have given them, "trickster," implies deceit and untrustworthiness. But in the scholarly study of mythology, tricksters often use deception and cunning to support the weak in their battles against the strong. Tricksters also use these methods to teach lessons that we would not learn except through personal experience, and to hold space to consider the profane sacred. Come and discuss your personal experiences with tricksters, and learn more about why they are essential to cosmic and cultural evolution and justice.

Catherine Carr

Catherine Carr earned her Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience from the University of Michigan in 2011. She spent five years working in clinical research before leaving to pursue the path of a writer and priestess. She is now the author of "World Soul: Healing Ourselves and the Earth... Read More →
Sunday February 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Elizabeth Ann 2

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