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About me
Paul is the Owner of Artes And Craft along with his wife, Pat. Artes And Craft is the largest and most specialized Pagan and Witchcraft store in Michigan and one of the most important in the Midwest. Paul has been pagan and a practitioner of magick since he was 11 years old and ran an “occult” club with his school friends, now 55 he has 44 years practice in Ritual Magick and mayhem. Paul was a KEW in Ordo Templi Orientis and Past Master of Serpent Flame. Paul is also a 3rd Degree High Priest of Moonfire, an Alexandrian Coven of Du Bandi Grassil lineage. Paul is British and so also a practitioner of traditional English Witchcraft. Paul is also a herbalist and an incense blender, blacksmith and creator of ritual tools.
My Speakers Sessions
11:30am EST
4:00pm EST
11:30am EST