About me
Joe Monteleone, a "one-man-band of magical-thinking-made reality" (Huffington Post), is a Tarot master teacher, coach, healer, occult performer, YouTuber, and modern mystic. He has over two decades of experience in tarot. He has read, taught, performed, and lectured on tarot and mystical philosophy all around the physical and virtual worlds, including The Readers Studio, World Divination Association, Esoteracle Magazine, and New York Pagan Pride Festival. He created the Tarot Mysticism Academy, where he now connects hundreds of mystical misfits all over the globe to explore the edges of reality through tarot's perennial philosophy. Llewellyn will be publishing his book, Tarot Mysticism: The Psycho-spiritual Technology of the Thoth Tarot, set to release in January of 2025.