About me
Kenya T Coviak is a Magical Teacher, writer, and creatrix of Detroit Conjure and Folk Magic Festival, the Minaudière de Sorcière Spell Deck Collection, and the My Magical Cottagecore Life podcast. Teaching engagements include ConVocation, Michigan Pagan Fest, Pagan Pride Day Detroit, Hex Fest, WitchCon, Bluewater Pagan Conference, The Black Moon Grove, and more. Her work appears in various publications including Peppermint and Sage Magazine, The Wild Hunt, The Good Witch’s Guide by Shawn Robbins and Charity Bedell, The Heart of the Elder: Good Elders and Their Influence by Lillith ThreeFeathers and Joy Marie Wedmedyk, and Llewellyn's Complete Book of North American Folk Magic: A Landscape of Magic, Mystery, and Tradition. Her own books include Calico and Kindness: 2021 Winter Solstice Kitchen Adventus, and more. Watch Magical Witchy World TV for Curious Herbalism w/Kenya T. Coviak. You can reach her through detroitconjure@gmail.com, or via booking at A New Moon 22 in New Baltimore, MI. Sites: www.michiganwitchesballandbazaar.com Minaudière de Sorcière - Rose