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About me
MeKailia Nimue has been a practioner of magickal ways & workings for as long as she can remember. As a hereditary Witche, flows & connections of energy have always been with her. They are a part of her daily life, both in thought & action. She truly enjoys sharing with those who are willing to feel these flows. Jumping into public view, MeKailia earned her degrees in the Olde Religion & joined local pagan activities. Teaching workshops for various events, gatherings & private parties. Including many psychic & pride days, Convocation, Michigan Pagan Fest, Detroit Conjure & Folk Magic, Witches' of Crazy Wisdom, as well as many privately owned shops.
Currently, MeKailia Nimue is the High Priestess of Owls' Grove Coven, an active member of Woodland Wisewomen & Witches' of Crazy Wisdom.