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About me
Rev. Rayna Templebee was initiated as a Witch in 1983, in the Georgian Tradition of British Traditional Witchcraft and is a Skydancer Priestess within Mt Shasta Goddess Temple. Rayna is a daughter of the Ocean Mother and an aboricha in a Lucumi house under the protection of Ochun. Trained by Orion Foxwood in Faery Seership, she seeks to help heal the wound between humans and our green world and is finishing a book on the path of the bee priestess. She calls the fabulous and crazy environment of tropical Miami, Florida her home and is an academic archaeologist by day. Rayna holds ministerial credentials through the Covenant of the Goddess and offers rites of passage to queer, polyamorous, and other free-thinking humans, she is an accomplished ritualist who loves to create moments of sacredness for one, two, or two hundred spirits and works to build earth wisdom affirming community across traditions. In 2021 she co-founded Summer Magick Fest, a hotel-based convention and celebration of earth goddess centered spirituality, held every summer in Orlando, Florida. Learn more about her spiritual practice and teaching at